I have created a smart contract and deployed it on ropsten with brownie framework.

Here are the steps I've done:

  1. Run the command:

    $ brownie init projet1
  2. I have created my contract in contracts/Contrat1.vy file

  3. I have run:

    $ brownie compile
  4. I have created an Ethereum account and I've sent some ether on it:

    $ brownie accounts generate mon_account2
  5. I have created this file for deployment: scripts/deploiement.py:

      from brownie import Contrat1, accounts
      def main():
        compte = accounts.load('mon_account2')
        t = Contrat1.deploy({'from': compte})
  6. I have created a project on infura and I've got a project id

  7. I have created an account and an API TOKEN KEY on etherscan

  8. I have run:

    $ export WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID=<my_infura_projectid>
    $ export ETHERSCAN_TOKEN=<my_etherscan_api_token_key>
  9. I have run:

    $ brownie run deploiement --network ropsten

At this step, my contract is deployed on ropsten. Its deployment address is displayed on screen.

  1. Now I want to interact with this contract. So I have run:

    $ brownie console --network ropsten
    provider = Contract.from_explorer('<my_contract's_deployment_address>')
  2. I suppose I can now send transactions through provider variable.

Here are my questions:

  • My infura secret was not asked. So I suppose anyone can call my infura project url ?
  • Is there a way to avoid to work with Etherscan ? I have worked previously with truffle and it was not necessary to get an Etherscan account for deploying contract.
  • Is there a way to avoid to export WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID and ETHERSCAN_TOKEN ? Is there a way to put these values in a project configuration file ?
  • When launching Contract.from_explorer, I get this error:

ValueError: Failed to retrieve data from API: Contract source code not verified

How should I fix that?

Thanks a lot

  • you need to upload the source code at etherscan website
    – Nulik
    Feb 3, 2021 at 18:01
  • Is there a way to do that automaticaly from brownie command line ? And is there a way to avoid this ? Thanks
    – Bob5421
    Feb 3, 2021 at 18:22
  • wget can help (or curl) : etherscan.io/sourcecode-demo.html
    – Nulik
    Feb 3, 2021 at 19:36
  • you don't need to verify source code in order to call a function in a contract, just deploy it the hard way and make a Call()
    – Nulik
    Feb 3, 2021 at 19:38
  • "Deploying a Smart Contract, The Hard Way" by Gustavo Guimares (medium.com)
    – Nulik
    Feb 3, 2021 at 19:39


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