I wrote a smart contract. now, I am writing tests in truffle .
the code is gonna look like this.
contract('contract', accounts => {
it("test1", () => {
it("test2", () => {
it("test3", () => {
Now, let's say I transferred 30 coins from accounts[1] to accounts[2] in test1
and in test1
, I had a check for that and it asserted well. Now, in test2
, I am testing different function, but that function still relies on the balance of accounts[1]. Now, it means that I should know what the balance was after the test1
ran. This is still fine, but then, in test3
, I should know what the balance was for accounts[1] after test2
was run.
Problem 1: if some other developer comes and looks at this file, he can't really change something in test3
, because if so, then he really has to know the results of accouns[1] from test2
which implies that he has to know results from test1
. So, He has to understand everything..
Problem 2: If we decide that each it
test of mocha is not dependent on each other, that means that, for each test, we should put each test in contract('contract')
in order for truffle to start redeploying from scratch for each test. This is too time consuming and also, each test will become TOO BIG. because now, test3
should include all the functions from solidity contract while in Problem 1, it would only have to include the function that it's going to test and test2
would take care of the previous dependent functions.
What's your recommendation ? or what am I doing wrong ?