I have an array of addresses (array[]) and I need to encode it into bytes and vice-versa. The reason for that is that I need to pass such an array to a function which only accepts bytes.

I tried using abi.encode() and abi.decode() but I get a "This type cannot be encoded" compiler error:

address[] memory addresses;
addresses[0]= 0x...;
addresses[1] = 0x...;
addresses[2] = 0x...;
(bytes memory data) = abi.encode((address[]), addresses);

How should I really encode this? I'm planning to do the same encoding in web3.js too, so I would prefer an idea which works here too.

1 Answer 1


Finally I was able to solve my problem with some research:

The idea is simple, since addresses has a fixed length (20 bytes), so we can simple pack them next to each other and unpack it unambiguously.

Example packing:



This tight packing can be achieved in Solidity by using abi.encodePacked(). You can find it here in the docs: https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/v0.5.3/abi-spec.html#non-standard-packed-mode

To pack any number of addresses I simple used it in a loop in the following way (may not be the most gas effective method):

function encodeAddressArray(address[] calldata addresses) external pure returns(bytes memory data){
    for(uint i=0; i<addresses.length; i++){
        data = abi.encodePacked(data, addresses[i]);

To unpack simply take the first 20 bytes, which gives the first address and the second 20 bytes gives the second address and so on. For that I used the array slice. (Keep in mind, that slicing only works on calldata and x[start:end] includes x[start] but excludes x[end].)

function decodeAddressArray(bytes calldata data)external pure returns(address[] memory addresses){
    uint n = data.length/20;
    addresses = new address[](n);
    for(uint i=0; i<n; i++){
        addresses[i] = bytesToAddress(data[i*20:(i+1)*20]);

where bytesToAddress() converts one address from bytes. This can be done by loading the corresponding bytes into the address variable using mload() in assembly:

function bytesToAddress(bytes calldata data) private pure returns (address addr) {
    bytes memory b = data;
    assembly {
        addr := mload(add(b, 20))

Finally the whole process is summarized in the following tiny library:

library AddressCoder{
    function bytesToAddress(bytes calldata data) private pure returns (address addr) {
        bytes memory b = data;
        assembly {
          addr := mload(add(b, 20))

    function decodeAddressArray(bytes calldata data)external pure returns(address[] memory addresses){
        uint n = data.length/20;
        addresses = new address[](n);
        for(uint i=0; i<n; i++){
            addresses[i] = bytesToAddress(data[i*20:(i+1)*20]);
    function encodeAddressArray(address[] calldata addresses) external pure returns(bytes memory data){
        for(uint i=0; i<addresses.length; i++){
            data = abi.encodePacked(data, addresses[i]);

This encoding is also pretty simple in web3.js:

const encodeAddressArray = addresses => {
    let hex = "0x";
    hex += addresses.map(address => address.substr(2, 40)).join("");

    return web3.utils.hexToBytes(hex);

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