This is how my setting looks:

enter image description here

H2 and H4 are on separate networks. They have private IPs and not routable from outside the network. How do I make these two systems as peers so that they operate on the same private blockchain network? I tried using Public IP in the enode URI with the addPeer() function but the connection was not successful.


As @Badr suggested, --nat with extip worked, but this cannot be used for connecting two systems with the same public IP i.e., the public IP cannot be translated to two private IPs. I tried using a different port # but the connection wasn't successful. Is there any solution for this?

  • does the router support Upnp?
    – Badr Bellaj
    Commented Sep 23, 2016 at 11:03
  • @Badr Yes, it supports Upnp.
    – galahad
    Commented Sep 28, 2016 at 5:41
  • i didn't understand that you have tow separate networks(as in the figure) with the same public ip?
    – Badr Bellaj
    Commented Oct 3, 2016 at 20:08
  • how do you add nodes? did you get the info using admin.nodeInfo to check ip? did you tried --nat upnp or any
    – Badr Bellaj
    Commented Oct 3, 2016 at 20:18
  • @Badr the two separate networks have different public ips. My problem is that I can do NAT and assign this public ip only to one of the systems in that network.
    – galahad
    Commented Oct 3, 2016 at 23:56

2 Answers 2


Ethereum clients use a listener (TCP) port and a discovery (UDP) port, both on 30303 by default.

Which TCP and UDP ports are required to run an Ethereum client?

as a firt try use the option

  --nat value       NAT port mapping mechanism (any|none|upnp|pmp|extip:<IP>) (default: "any")


as a second choice : I think you should make some NAT redirection at the routers level. you need to forward the ports(default) 30303 and 8545(RPC) ports to the Hx machines

on R1>>

on R2 =>>

then just use the public address when adding peers to the ethereum clients e.g enode://*******:

aditional information in the official doc we found this :

In the following example, the node URL describes a node with IP address, TCP listening port 30303 and UDP discovery port 30301.


in this case consider to forward the port 30301 too.

  • 1
    --nat with extip worked, but this cannot be used for connecting two systems with the same public ip. I tried using a different port # but the connection wasn't successful. Is there any solution for this?
    – galahad
    Commented Sep 25, 2016 at 19:52

How did you build the H5 node? In particular, you should be careful in not copying the ethereum wholesale. Closer to the point:

  • the nodekey file uniquely identifies your node.
  • it prevents a node from connecting back to itself.
  • if the same key is placed into 2 different nodes, these nodes will not connect to each other as they believe their are the same machine.

A test to make from H2:

  • stop Geth
  • delete nodekey file
  • start Geth
  • addPeer(H5)

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