Currently, we can read the contract A data with the help of getters functions defined in contract A.
But I want to do something like contract A puts some data in ethereum blockchain but do not define the getters or other functions to access it. And then using another smart contract B, I want to access smart contract B data directly from blocks fo ethereum blockchain.
1 Answer
A smart contract can only access its own storage, you cannot read the storage of another contract directly, with Solidity. If you cannot make the variables public, or make a getter for the variables, you can use something like Web3.js or Ethers.js to read the contract storage, and send that data to your contract, e.g.:
import { JsonRpcProvider } from 'ethers';
const provider = new JsonRpcProvider('https://<URL of your node>'); // or use Infura, Etherscan, ...
const data = await provider.getStorageAt("<contract address>", <storage slot>);
You can read more about how the storage works here:
Thanks a lot. Your answer and link cleared most of my doubts.– krritikCommented Sep 3, 2020 at 14:34