I have sent this transaction to testnet through json-rpc with my geth node using eth_sendTransaction method and the following parameters:

"from": "0x3b877e80b5c0b29d88f3768ed4292b35fdd93a9d",
"to": "0x90e8682b63d7922a3e942d4bbd4c88095634a17b",
"value": "0xf4240"

// 0xf4240 = 1 million wei, 1 babbage

Geth node log receives the tx as showed here:

I0915 08:29:03.639166 eth/api.go:1193] Tx(0x2dac8edc68d40f2b09e2f06d455c51ea6f29a6199eeeccbff8b946f5c2e330d9) to: 0x90e8682b63d7922a3e942d4bbd4c88095634a17b

But transaction is not propagating through testnet ...

Two days ago this very same transaction (same from, to and value, but obviously not same txHash) was accepted (mined) in Ethereum testnet in less than 20 seconds. Today every transaction I sent seems to be stall.

The txHash assigned to the transaction is 0x2dac8edc68d40f2b09e2f06d455c51ea6f29a6199eeeccbff8b946f5c2e330d9 . On etherscan there's no info about it: https://testnet.etherscan.io/tx/0x2dac8edc68d40f2b09e2f06d455c51ea6f29a6199eeeccbff8b946f5c2e330d9

When I query the node about the tx with eth_getTransactionByHash method this is the result:

        [blockHash] => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
        [blockNumber] => 
        [from] => 0x3b877e80b5c0b29d88f3768ed4292b35fdd93a9d
        [gas] => 0x15f90
        [gasPrice] => 0x4a817c800
        [hash] => 0x2dac8edc68d40f2b09e2f06d455c51ea6f29a6199eeeccbff8b946f5c2e330d9
        [input] => 0x
        [nonce] => 0x10000e
        [to] => 0x90e8682b63d7922a3e942d4bbd4c88095634a17b
        [transactionIndex] => 
        [value] => 0xf4240

It seems like it's waiting to be mined forever...

Has this transaction been brodcasted to testnet? Has it been mined? Why not? How can I track the mining status of this transaction?

After reading a similar question Why are these transactions not broadcasted in my private network? I realize I have unlocked from_account. Do I have to unlock to_account too?

It seems transactions became stuck on nonce 0x100004. Here it is the details of the previous tx (nonce 0x100003) and the tx with nonce 0x100004:

eth_getTransactionByHash: ["0x59af3aec8331c407a5a33a58203ee62a89b1efa772806b2c4319c395bb70bdd0"]
    [jsonrpc] => 2.0
    [id] => 1
    [result] => Array
            [blockHash] => 0x0aceab7d5e8a1d44efc36dfadabcbe3eaa14de08e7625a3208ca07fac6275014
            [blockNumber] => 0x190dce
            [from] => 0x3b877e80b5c0b29d88f3768ed4292b35fdd93a9d
            [gas] => 0x15f90
            [gasPrice] => 0x4a817c800
            [hash] => 0x59af3aec8331c407a5a33a58203ee62a89b1efa772806b2c4319c395bb70bdd0
            [input] => 0x
            [nonce] => 0x100003
            [to] => 0x90e8682b63d7922a3e942d4bbd4c88095634a17b
            [transactionIndex] => 0x0
            [value] => 0x2540be400

eth_getTransactionByHash: ["0x824eeda61dba30c107400a5ab43dffa8408aae7f925f530699f69c94ed0c008b"]
    [jsonrpc] => 2.0
    [id] => 1
    [result] => Array
            [blockHash] => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
            [blockNumber] => 
            [from] => 0x3b877e80b5c0b29d88f3768ed4292b35fdd93a9d
            [gas] => 0x15f90
            [gasPrice] => 0x4e20
            [hash] => 0x824eeda61dba30c107400a5ab43dffa8408aae7f925f530699f69c94ed0c008b
            [input] => 0x
            [nonce] => 0x100004
            [to] => 0x90e8682b63d7922a3e942d4bbd4c88095634a17b
            [transactionIndex] => 
            [value] => 0x2540be400


Well, thx for your comments, because I did it! Resending tx with nonce 0x100004 worked and has been mined. Thx!

Nevertheless, I still don't know why tx 0x824eeda61dba30c107400a5ab43dffa8408aae7f925f530699f69c94ed0c008b got stuck ... any hint about this could help me a lot. Thx anyway!

1 Answer 1


In your transaction info, the nonce is 0x10000e, which, in the context of the test-net, means this is the 15th transaction. However, as seen on the page of the from account, there have only been 4 transactions.

The miners will therefore not mine this new transaction before transactions with nonces 0x100004 to 0x10000d show up.

How did you create this pending transaction?

  • Just calling json-rpc method eth_sendTransaction with the following parameters: "from": "0x3b877e80b5c0b29d88f3768ed4292b35fdd93a9d", "to": "0x90e8682b63d7922a3e942d4bbd4c88095634a17b", "value": "0xf4240" Commented Sep 15, 2016 at 10:31
  • So, I understand transaction with nonce 0x100004 is being the cause of the stuck, right? How can I find the reason why it has not been confirmed/mined? Commented Sep 15, 2016 at 10:34
  • 1
    It is the absence of a transaction with nonce 0x100004 (to 0d) that is holding up the one with 0e. Commented Sep 15, 2016 at 10:36
  • 1
    Yes, Geth is supposedly doing it automatically. What is your Geth command-line to start it? Commented Sep 15, 2016 at 10:41
  • 1
    Are you mining on your own node too? Commented Sep 15, 2016 at 11:15

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