I am looking for statistics of how much Ethereum miners make on transactions fees, is there some kind of statistic on this?
2 Answers
I just created a chart that shows how much fees are ever earned daily by miners.
If you want to do it by yourself, it can be calculated with a client (i.e. geth), listing all transactions ever mint and verifying gasPrice and gasUsed.
A list of funny facts I discoverd during the creation of this chart.
- The three top most expensive transactions are:
- 2015/08/08 15:44:00 - 14.36963 - Creation of the Ethereum Foundation's multisig account
- 2016/06/21 18:18:06 - 13.50000 - WhiteHatDAOContractController operation (throwed exception... ^^)
- 2016/05/28 08:56:25 - 10.70863 - Gatecoin calling TheDAO
- A grand total of 8 transactions didn't paid for fees at all:
Side note: Ethereum is the platform, the name of the coin is Ether (ETH for friends).
Amberdata.io has a page dedicate to transaction data, including a graph of the average transaction fees:
And for those interested in APIs (as I am) you can even get current average gas prices with their gas predictions endpoint!