Is transaction log also called trnsaction receipt? My account address on Remix IDE is 0xCA3…a733c and wallet address is 0x147…C160C. Following is my code obtained from Solidity Tutorial

pragma solidity 0.5.4;
contract MyContractEtherEvents {
   mapping(address => uint256) public balances;
   address payable wallet;
   event Purchase(
    address indexed _buyer,
    uint256 _amount

   constructor(address payable _wallet) public {
    wallet = _wallet;

   function() external payable {

   function buyToken() public payable {
    balances[msg.sender] += 1;
    emit Purchase(msg.sender, 1);
 I got the following Ether log:

transaction hash 0xa4484b15bd6e83c5377bbc4e21f69e8c208a02c3ea0187ffa77cb29c9352df6e from 0xCA35b7d915458EF540aDe6068dFe2F44E8fa733c to MyContractEtherEvents.balances(address) 0x692a70D2e424a56D2C6C27aA97D1a86395877b3A transaction cost 23832 gas (Cost only applies when called by a contract) execution cost 1152 gas (Cost only applies when called by a contract) hash 0xa4484b15bd6e83c5377bbc4e21f69e8c208a02c3ea0187ffa77cb29c9352df6e input 0x27e...a733c decoded input { "address ": "0xCA35b7d915458EF540aDe6068dFe2F44E8fa733c" } decoded output { "0": "uint256: 4

The 'from' address is: 0xCA35b7d915458EF540aDe6068dFe2F44E8fa733c (correct) but 'to' address is: 0x692a70D2e424a56D2C6C27aA97D1a86395877b3A, which is the address at which the contract is deployed. But the remix image does not show the deployed address instead it shows the address : 0x147…C160C which is the address of Wallet. Is the log information correct? I have also added the image, the image does not show the 'to' address

Some body please guide me. Zulfi.

Problem with understanding the transaction log

1 Answer 1


Expand the transaction receipt to see the log.

enter image description here

Hope it helps.

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