You can store data in the blockchain:
- In a special place on the blockchain reserved for contract data
- In a special place on the blockchain reserved for transaction input data
To store your data in a special place 1 you'll need to create a contract and deploy it on the blockchain.
To store your data in a special place 2 you'll need to send someone a transaction and include your data in it.
Before you you can interact with the blockchain you will need to get access to the web3 object. There are multiple ways of doing so. I'd suggest you installing MetaMask plugin for Chrome browser. After you install it, you will have access to web3 object. The ways of interacting with web3 object can be found here (web3 api documentation)
Now that you've installed MetaMask plugin. Choose Morden testnet in the configs. Now you can use solidity browser compiler.
Try to compile and deploy a simple contract there:
contract A {
uint x = 255;
You will need some ether in your account(MetaMask provided account) to deploy contracts. Go to and get 5 testnet ether for free.