I think you could do worse than to start with something like this:
pragma solidity 0.5.14;
import "./HitchensUnorderedKeySet.sol";
contract DirectedGraph {
using HitchensUnorderedKeySetLib for HitchensUnorderedKeySetLib.Set;
HitchensUnorderedKeySetLib.Set nodeIds;
struct NodeStruct {
HitchensUnorderedKeySetLib.Set parents; // in
HitchensUnorderedKeySetLib.Set children; // out
uint weight;
uint data1; // etc, carry on ...
mapping(bytes32 => NodeStruct) nodeStructs;
Should I use mappings, arrays, a combination of both?
This library uses a combination of both. The "Sets" will be the ids only to cover important concerns. You will also use a mapping to store the node structs themselves. Sets for the ID lists and mapped structs for data about those nodes.
That gives you a straight-forward data structure that allows efficient addition and removal of parents and children with the .insert() and .remove() methods on the Sets. It will your responsibility to maintain internal referential integrity, so you whan you add a child, go to the child and add the corresponding parent. Cover both sides when deleting, as well - if a child is removed, then visit the child and remove the parent.
You will have to build out functions to add and remove nodes and create and remove joins but the data structure itself seems like a good start. I made the library for cases like this where the management of indexes tends to get really busy.
Hope it helps.
I decided to play a little more since there's a bounty.
Don't be discouraged by the length. There's a library that attends to the graph concerns and an app that uses the library for users and followers.
Given the superficial testing, it's not meant to pose as a thoroughly tested scheme. No warranty.
Hopefully GraphTest.sol
shows that application contracts can be brief when the busy functions are offloaded to dependable libraries. The Graph is a little opinionated and you might need to adjust the following rules for a real-world application.
- A node can be added with no edges (orphan)
- An edge can only be added between nodes that exist.
- A node can only be removed after all edges it connects to are removed.
- Edge weights can be adjusted.
- Edges can be removed.
- Nodes can be removed.
- View functions will revert if the requested nodes or edges don't exist, but there are "exists()" and "count()" functions that are safe, so there is no need to wander out of bounds.
The arrangement is optimized for completeness, integrity and readability. There are opportunities to optimize SSTORE operations if:
- Integrity constraints are relaxed.
- Iterating/enumerating nodes and edges isn't needed.
- Removing nodes and edges isn't needed.
Knock down the storage that supports functionality that isn't needed to squeeze more gas out of it.
Creating a new edge is the most expensive operation, about 250K gas. Gas costs are scale-invariant.
Testing was pretty basic:
- Create 0x35..., Alice
- Create 0x14..., Bob
- 0x14... follows 0x35...
- Check, 2 users, Alice has one follower, Bob is following one user
- Alice's 1st follower is Bob
- Bob's first following is Alice
- Neither Alice or Bob can be deleted
- Bob can unfollow Alice
- Alice and Bob can both be deleted
- Inspectors return accurate information as you go.
- The Library uses
for keys as it is the most versatile. When I was conjuring up a use-case for the test, I settled on users and decided to use address
. The library itself could be (should be) refactored for address
in such a case instead of using the type conversions I hacked into the test case.
- It might be useful to enumerate the following/followers in weight order. It would be possible to build binary trees or linked lists to efficiently look after that if a client-side, event-based scheme isn't sufficient. https://github.com/rob-Hitchens/OrderStatisticsTree
pragma solidity 0.5.14;
import "./HitchensUnorderedKeySet.sol";
// It would be possible to refactor for a version that uses address keys to avoid the type conversions in the test application.
// Also possible to trim storage with relaxed integrity checks.
library GraphLib {
using HitchensUnorderedKeySetLib for HitchensUnorderedKeySetLib.Set;
struct EdgeStruct {
bytes32 source;
bytes32 target;
uint weight;
struct NodeStruct {
HitchensUnorderedKeySetLib.Set sourceEdgeSet; // in
HitchensUnorderedKeySetLib.Set targetEdgeSet; // out
struct Graph {
HitchensUnorderedKeySetLib.Set nodeSet;
HitchensUnorderedKeySetLib.Set edgeSet;
mapping(bytes32 => NodeStruct) nodeStructs;
mapping(bytes32 => EdgeStruct) edgeStructs;
function insertNode(Graph storage g, bytes32 nodeId) internal {
function removeNode(Graph storage g, bytes32 nodeId) internal {
NodeStruct storage n = g.nodeStructs[nodeId];
require(n.sourceEdgeSet.count() == 0, "Graph: Remove source edges first.");
require(n.targetEdgeSet.count() == 0, "Graph: Remove target edges first.");
delete g.nodeStructs[nodeId];
function insertEdge(Graph storage g, bytes32 sourceId, bytes32 targetId, uint weight) internal returns(bytes32 edgeId) {
require(g.nodeSet.exists(sourceId), "Graph: Unknown sourceId.");
require(g.nodeSet.exists(targetId), "Graph: Unknown targetId.");
edgeId = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(sourceId, targetId));
EdgeStruct storage e = g.edgeStructs[edgeId];
NodeStruct storage s = g.nodeStructs[sourceId];
NodeStruct storage t = g.nodeStructs[targetId];
e.source = sourceId;
e.target = targetId;
e.weight = weight;
function updateEdge(Graph storage g, bytes32 sourceId, bytes32 targetId, uint weight) internal {
bytes32 edgeId = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(sourceId, targetId));
require(g.edgeSet.exists(edgeId), "Graph: Unknown edge.");
EdgeStruct storage e = g.edgeStructs[edgeId];
e.weight = weight;
function removeEdge(Graph storage g, bytes32 sourceId, bytes32 targetId) internal {
bytes32 edgeKey = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(sourceId, targetId));
delete g.edgeStructs[edgeKey];
NodeStruct storage s = g.nodeStructs[sourceId];
NodeStruct storage t = g.nodeStructs[targetId];
function insertBetween(Graph storage g, bytes32 newNodeId, bytes32 sourceId, bytes32 targetId, uint sourceWeight, uint targetWeight) internal {
removeEdge(g, sourceId, targetId);
insertEdge(g, sourceId, newNodeId, sourceWeight);
insertEdge(g, newNodeId, targetId, targetWeight);
// View functioos
function edgeExists(Graph storage g, bytes32 edgeId) internal view returns(bool exists) {
function edgeCount(Graph storage g) internal view returns(uint count) {
return g.edgeSet.count();
function edgeAtIndex(Graph storage g, uint index) internal view returns(bytes32 edgeId) {
return g.edgeSet.keyAtIndex(index);
function edgeSource(Graph storage g, bytes32 edgeId) internal view returns(bytes32 sourceId, uint weight) {
require(edgeExists(g, edgeId), "Graph: Unknown edge.");
EdgeStruct storage e = g.edgeStructs[edgeId];
return(e.source, e.weight);
function edgeTarget(Graph storage g, bytes32 edgeId) internal view returns(bytes32 targetId, uint weight) {
require(edgeExists(g, edgeId), "Graph: Unknown edge.");
EdgeStruct storage e = g.edgeStructs[edgeId];
return(e.target, e.weight);
// Nodes
function nodeExists(Graph storage g, bytes32 nodeId) internal view returns(bool exists) {
function nodeCount(Graph storage g) internal view returns(uint count) {
return g.nodeSet.count();
function node(Graph storage g, bytes32 nodeId) internal view returns(uint sourceCount, uint targetCount) {
require(g.nodeSet.exists(nodeId), "Graph: Unknown node.");
NodeStruct storage n = g.nodeStructs[nodeId];
return(n.sourceEdgeSet.count(), n.targetEdgeSet.count());
function nodeSourceEdgeAtIndex(Graph storage g, bytes32 nodeId, uint index) internal view returns(bytes32 sourceEdge) {
require(g.nodeSet.exists(nodeId), "Graph: Unknown node.");
NodeStruct storage n = g.nodeStructs[nodeId];
sourceEdge = n.sourceEdgeSet.keyAtIndex(index);
function nodeTargetEdgeAtIndex(Graph storage g, bytes32 nodeId, uint index) internal view returns(bytes32 targetEdge) {
require(g.nodeSet.exists(nodeId), "Graph: Unknown node.");
NodeStruct storage n = g.nodeStructs[nodeId];
targetEdge = n.targetEdgeSet.keyAtIndex(index);
import "./HitchensUnorderedAddressSet.sol";
contract GraphTest {
using GraphLib for GraphLib.Graph;
using HitchensUnorderedAddressSetLib for HitchensUnorderedAddressSetLib.Set;
GraphLib.Graph userGraph;
struct UserStruct {
string name;
// carry on with app concerns
HitchensUnorderedAddressSetLib.Set userSet;
mapping(address => UserStruct) private userStructs;
function newUser(address userId, string memory name) public {
userStructs[userId].name = name;
function removeUser(address userId) public {
userGraph.removeNode(toBytes32(userId)); // this will not be permited while edges exist, so iterate over unfollow until permissible.
delete userStructs[userId];
function updateUser(address userId, string memory name) public {
require(userSet.exists(userId), "GraphTest: Unknown user.");
userStructs[userId].name = name;
function follow(address sourceId, address targetId, uint importance) public {
require(userSet.exists(sourceId), "GraphTest: Unknown follower.");
require(userSet.exists(targetId), "GraphTest: Unknown target.");
userGraph.insertEdge(toBytes32(sourceId), toBytes32(targetId), importance);
function unfollow(address sourceId, address targetId) public {
require(userSet.exists(sourceId), "GraphTest: Unknown follower.");
require(userSet.exists(targetId), "GraphTest: Unknown target.");
userGraph.removeEdge(toBytes32(sourceId), toBytes32(targetId));
function adjustFollow(address sourceId, address targetId, uint importance) public {
userGraph.updateEdge(toBytes32(sourceId), toBytes32(targetId), importance);
// view functions
function userCount() public view returns(uint count) {
count = userSet.count();
function userAtIndex(uint index) public view returns(address userId) {
userId = userSet.keyAtIndex(index);
function userInfo(address userId) public view returns(string memory name, uint followerCount, uint followingCount) {
require(userSet.exists(userId), "GraphTest: Unknown user.");
(followerCount, followingCount) = userGraph.node(toBytes32(userId));
name = userStructs[userId].name;
function userFollowerAtIndex(address userId, uint index) public view returns(address followerId, uint importance) {
require(userSet.exists(userId), "GraphTest: Unknown user.");
bytes32 edgeId = userGraph.nodeSourceEdgeAtIndex(toBytes32(userId), index);
(bytes32 source, uint weight) = userGraph.edgeSource(edgeId);
importance = weight;
followerId = toAddress(source);
function userFollowingAtIndex(address userId, uint index) public view returns(address followingId, uint importance) {
require(userSet.exists(userId), "GraphTest: Unknown user.");
bytes32 edgeId = userGraph.nodeTargetEdgeAtIndex(toBytes32(userId), index);
(bytes32 target, uint weight) = userGraph.edgeTarget(edgeId);
importance = weight;
followingId = toAddress(target);
// Debugging
function edgeCount() public view returns(uint) {
return userGraph.edgeCount();
function edgeAtIndex(uint index) public view returns(bytes32) {
return userGraph.edgeAtIndex(index);
function edge(bytes32 edgeId) public view returns(bytes32 sourceId, bytes32 targetId, uint weight) {
(sourceId, targetId, weight) = userGraph.edge(edgeId);
function edgeIdHelper(address source, address target) public pure returns(bytes32 edgeId) {
return(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(toBytes32(source), toBytes32(target))));
// pure functions, because the graph was set up for bytes32 keys
function toBytes32(address a) private pure returns(bytes32) {
return bytes32(uint(uint160(a)));
function toAddress(bytes32 b) private pure returns(address) {
return address(uint160(uint(b)));
Footnote: The state-changing functions in GraphTest use require()
to check things like "node exists" and generate app-aware errors on invalid requests. That isn't strictly necessary since GraphLib will revert if something illogical is requested. The difference is:
- an error the user is likely to understand versus an error message that might seem obtuse.
- The multilayered approach is a library that will not process a bad
request and an app that should never make an invalid request.
If optimizing for gas, one check is sufficient. I would keep it at the library level to ensure an app/dev oversight cannot munge up referential integrity and maybe try to change the generic messages to something more informative to an end-user.