Is there an Ethereum test blockchain (similar to Ganache) which prioritises calculating transactions and creating a local blockchain 'db' as quickly as possible?
Requirements: - Calculate transactions (i.e. smart contract logic) as fast as possible (c++ or rust environments for speed maybe?) - Write to local db (i.e. create the 'blockchain') quickly; - Retain ability to make RPC calls/tx's/queries to this local Ethereum 'blockchain' quickly; - Strip away all PoW & difficulty calculations (no consensus mechanisms - the localhost is the only source of truth); - Strip away all p2p communication;
^^^ all with the aim of having a super super fast test environment (albeit with some features removed).
Ganache is fairly quick, but has computational overhead to simulate some aspects of a blockchain that I don't need. I want to prioritise getting smart contract calculations completed and added to the db as quickly as possible. E.g. push a transaction to do very computationally heavy smart contract calculations as fast as possible, and then be able to query this 'blockchain' as fast as possible. Nothing more.
Thanks :)