at the moment I am experimenting with the factory/child-logic in solidity. With my factory contract I am able to create child contracts in which an auction is executed. Now I want to return a variable in my factory/master-contract defined in my child-contract (e.g. LowestBid). Is there a certain way this can be accomplished? At the moment I struggle with this problem and I don't find any answers here. I just need a basic logic for interacting with values defined by my child in my factory.
Thanks in advance.
Current code:
pragma solidity ^0.5.11;
contract Master {
address Pi_C_Owner;
address payable public NewAuctionPayable;
constructor() public {
Pi_C_Owner = msg.sender;
function checkBalance() public view returns(uint) {
require(msg.sender == Pi_C_Owner,"Insufficient permission");
function increaseBalance() public payable {
require(msg.sender == Pi_C_Owner,"Insufficient permission");
function createAuction(address _Destination, uint _WTP, uint _BiddingTime) public returns(address) {
require(_WTP > 0,"Willingness to pay has to exceed 0.");
address NewAuction = address (new Auction(_Destination, _WTP, _BiddingTime, address(this)));
NewAuctionPayable = address(uint160(NewAuction));
function Test() public returns(uint) {
//how can i return a variable defined in child-contract 'Auction' (e.g. LowestBid)
function() external payable {
contract Auction {
bool Ended;
uint WTP;
uint public a8_AuctionEndTime;
uint public a7_SafetyDeposit;
uint public a6_LowestBid;
address public a5_Destination;
address payable MasterPayable;
address payable LowestBidder;
address payable Payee;
struct Participant {
bool biddingright;
uint amount;
mapping(address => Participant) participants;
address payable[] depositor;
constructor(address _Destination, uint _WTP, uint _BiddingTime, address payable _Master) public {
a5_Destination = _Destination;
a7_SafetyDeposit = _WTP/2;
a6_LowestBid = _WTP;
a8_AuctionEndTime = now + _BiddingTime;
MasterPayable = _Master;
Ended = false;
function a1_getRights() public payable {
require(now <= a8_AuctionEndTime,"Auction already ended.");
require(msg.value >= a7_SafetyDeposit);
require(participants[msg.sender].biddingright == false,"Safety deposit already payed.");
participants[msg.sender].biddingright = true;
participants[msg.sender].amount = msg.value;
function a2_placeBid(uint Bid) public {
require(now <= a8_AuctionEndTime,"Auction already ended.");
require(Bid < a6_LowestBid,"There already is a lower bid.");
require(participants[msg.sender].biddingright == true,"Please note safety deposit.");
LowestBidder = msg.sender;
a6_LowestBid = Bid;
function a3_AuctionEnd() public {
require(now >= a8_AuctionEndTime,"Auction not yet ended.");
require(Ended == false,"Auction end has already been called.");
Ended = true;
for(uint i=0; i<depositor.length; i++) {
Payee = depositor[i];
if(Payee != LowestBidder) {
function() external payable {
return Auction(NewAuctionPayable).LowestBid();