I constantly see different types of bytecode and do not know what each of them are. What are the differences between bytecode, init code, deployed bytecode, creation bytecode, and runtime bytecode?

4 Answers 4


I wrote an article that goes over this information in depth. I will summarize it here.

tl;dr - There are only two types of bytecode on Ethereum but five different names to describe them.

Creation Bytecode

This is the code that most people are referring to when they say bytecode. This is the code that generates the runtime bytecode—it includes constructor logic and constructor parameters of a smart contract. The creation bytecode is equivalent to the input data of the transaction the creates a contract, provided the sole purpose of the transaction is to create the contract.

When you compile a contract, the creation bytecode is generated for you. A truffle-generated ABI refers to the creation bytecode as bytecode (*). This is also the bytecode that is shown when clicking "compilation details" for a contract on Remix.

This code can be retrieved on-chain using type(ContractName).creationCode.

Creation bytecode can be retrieved off-chain by the getTransactionByHash JSON RPC call.

(*) The bytecode generated by Truffle corresponds to the creation bytecode minus the constructor arguments (as Truffle does not know them at compilation time). The creation bytecode is therefore equal to the Truffle bytecode concatenated with some bytes containing the information of the constructor arguments. For example, if the constructor takes the uint256 "123" and the bool "true" as arguments, the resulting creation code, passed as the data parameter of the deployment transaction, will be : Truffle generated bytecode + "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007b" + "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001". For dynamic types such as string, bytes, and array, the encoding is more complex.

Runtime Bytecode

This is the code that is stored on-chain that describes a smart contract. This code does not include the constructor logic or constructor parameters of a contract, as they are not relevant to the code that was used to actually create the contract.

The runtime bytecode for a contract can be retrieved on-chain by using an assembly block and calling extcodecopy(a). The hash of the runtime bytecode is returned from extcodehash(a). This opcode was introduced with EIP 1052 and included in the Constantinople hard fork.

The runtime bytecode can also be retrieved on-chain by using Solidity's type information. The Solidity code to retrieve the bytecode is type(ContractName).runtimeCode.

Finally, this code is returned by the JSON RPC call, getCode.


This should be used as the umbrella term that encompasses both runtime bytecode and creation bytecode, but it is more commonly used to describe the runtime bytecode.

Deployed Bytecode

This term is used exclusively by truffle-generated ABIs and refers to a contract's runtime bytecode. I have not seen it used outside of these files.

Init Code

This code is the same as the creation bytecode. It is the code that creates the bytecode that is stored on-chain.  This term is commonly used in articles referring the the bytecode needed when using the create2 opcode. 


It is my opinion that the only terms that should be used are runtime bytecode and creation bytecode, as they are explicitly describing what the code is. I believe bytecode should be an umbrella term that includes both of these aforementioned term.

  • 2
    Nice tl;dr write up. I thank you for it! Commented Mar 25, 2020 at 10:36
  • 1
    Do you know if there's a way to retrieve creationCode through assembly commands? Maybe manipulating somehow the Runtime Bytecode given back by the extcodecopy(a) call? Commented Nov 17, 2020 at 9:33
  • any way I can get the creation bytecode off-chain? I think it is possible since the creation bytecode is generated before the contract-creation transaction, but I don't know how to do it.
    – DiveInto
    Commented May 3, 2021 at 3:37
  • "Creation Bytecode This is the code that most people are referring to when they say bytecode." I think when people saying bytecode they mostly refer to runtime bytecode.
    – cifer
    Commented Jan 21, 2023 at 8:42
  • Does Etherscan return the creation or the runtime bytecode? Commented May 17, 2023 at 11:10

For those familiar with Javascript, this example might help. Imagine that the blockchain stored JavaScript and that we want to deploy a contract with this function:

function hi() { return "hi" }

(Recall that a contract is created by sending a transaction to address 0.) We may think that to do this we would send a transaction with just the "runtime code" in the transaction's data (Etherscan calls "Input Data"):

to: 0
data: `function hi() { return "hi" }`

However, that's not how the EVM is specified, see Yellow Paper below, so the transaction will have "creation / init code" that looks more like this:

to: 0
`(function() {
    return 'function hi() { return "hi" }';

The specification from the Yellow Paper https://ethereum.github.io/yellowpaper/paper.pdf is:

init: An unlimited size byte array specifying the EVM-code for the account initialisation procedure, formally Ti. init is an EVM-code fragment; it returns the body, a second fragment of code that executes each time the account receives a message call (either through a transaction or due to the internal execution of code). init is executed only once at account creation and gets discarded immediately thereafter.

JS example above from Bytecode on block chain different from the one used when deploying


In depth explanation of init code and runtime code; all others are just alternative buzzwords to these terms just like said in the first comment.

PS: This is going to be really long.

So let's start by deploying a simple contract and see what's happening at the low level.

pragma solidity ^0.8.3;

contract Counter {
    constructor() {}
    function add() public pure returns(uint) {
        return 5+5;


In OPCODE Output:

[00]    PUSH1   80
[02]    PUSH1   40
[04]    MSTORE  
[05]    CALLVALUE   
[06]    DUP1    
[07]    ISZERO  
[08]    PUSH2   0010
[0b]    JUMPI   
[0c]    PUSH1   00
[0e]    DUP1    
[0f]    REVERT  
[10]    JUMPDEST    
[11]    POP 
[12]    PUSH1   b6
[14]    DUP1    
[15]    PUSH2   001f
[18]    PUSH1   00
[1a]    CODECOPY    
[1b]    PUSH1   00
[1d]    RETURN  
[1e]    INVALID 
[1f]    PUSH1   80
[21]    PUSH1   40
[23]    MSTORE  
[24]    CALLVALUE   
[25]    DUP1    
[26]    ISZERO  
[27]    PUSH1   0f
[29]    JUMPI   
[2a]    PUSH1   00
[2c]    DUP1    
[2d]    REVERT  
[2e]    JUMPDEST    
[2f]    POP 
[30]    PUSH1   04
[32]    CALLDATASIZE    
[33]    LT  
[34]    PUSH1   28
[36]    JUMPI   
[37]    PUSH1   00
[39]    CALLDATALOAD    
[3a]    PUSH1   e0
[3c]    SHR 
[3d]    DUP1    
[3e]    PUSH4   4f2be91f
[43]    EQ  
[44]    PUSH1   2d
[46]    JUMPI   
[47]    JUMPDEST    
[48]    PUSH1   00
[4a]    DUP1    
[4b]    REVERT  
[4c]    JUMPDEST    
[4d]    PUSH1   33
[4f]    PUSH1   47
[51]    JUMP    
[52]    JUMPDEST    
[53]    PUSH1   40
[55]    MLOAD   
[56]    PUSH1   3e
[58]    SWAP2   
[59]    SWAP1   
[5a]    PUSH1   67
[5c]    JUMP    
[5d]    JUMPDEST    
[5e]    PUSH1   40
[60]    MLOAD   
[61]    DUP1    
[62]    SWAP2   
[63]    SUB 
[64]    SWAP1   
[65]    RETURN  
[66]    JUMPDEST    
[67]    PUSH1   00
[69]    PUSH1   0a
[6b]    SWAP1   
[6c]    POP 
[6d]    SWAP1   
[6e]    JUMP    
[6f]    JUMPDEST    
[70]    PUSH1   00
[72]    DUP2    
[73]    SWAP1   
[74]    POP 
[75]    SWAP2   
[76]    SWAP1   
[77]    POP 
[78]    JUMP    
[79]    JUMPDEST    
[7a]    PUSH1   61
[7c]    DUP2    
[7d]    PUSH1   50
[7f]    JUMP    
[80]    JUMPDEST    
[81]    DUP3    
[82]    MSTORE  
[83]    POP 
[84]    POP 
[85]    JUMP    
[86]    JUMPDEST    
[87]    PUSH1   00
[89]    PUSH1   20
[8b]    DUP3    
[8c]    ADD 
[8d]    SWAP1   
[8e]    POP 
[8f]    PUSH1   7a
[91]    PUSH1   00
[93]    DUP4    
[94]    ADD 
[95]    DUP5    
[96]    PUSH1   5a
[98]    JUMP    
[99]    JUMPDEST    
[9a]    SWAP3   
[9b]    SWAP2   
[9c]    POP 
[9d]    POP 
[9e]    JUMP    
[9f]    INVALID 
[a0]    LOG2    
[a1]    PUSH5   6970667358
[a7]    INVALID 
[a8]    SLT 
[a9]    KECCAK256   
[aa]    GASLIMIT    
[ab]    INVALID 
[ac]    INVALID 
[ad]    INVALID 
[ae]    INVALID 
[af]    INVALID 
[b1]    CREATE  
[b3]    INVALID 
[b4]    INVALID 
[b5]    SHL 
[b6]    PUSH17  91c4be8806046d5260161484ea4b22089a
[c8]    INVALID 
[c9]    INVALID 
[ca]    PUSH5   736f6c6343
[d0]    STOP    
[d1]    ADDMOD  
[d2]    ISZERO  
[d3]    STOP    
[d4]    CALLER

Let's start from the first line PUSH1 80; PUSH1 40; MSTORE , now what's happening here is the value 0x80 is stored in 0x40 which is just the initialization of the free memory pointer; and now what does that mean?

  • Free memory pointer points to a place where we can store whatever we want in memory right now meaning; we can store something right there in that location without worrying if that place is used by something else.

From the post https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/latest/internals/layout_in_memory.html

  • Solidity reserves four 32-byte slots, with specific byte ranges (inclusive of endpoints) being used as follows:

0x00 - 0x3f (64 bytes): scratch space for hashing methods

0x40 - 0x5f (32 bytes): currently allocated memory size (aka. free memory pointer)

0x60 - 0x7f (32 bytes): zero slot

0x7f is 127 in decimal and 128 is 0x80

  • As we can see that till 0x7f it's being used up for certain stuffs reserved by the solidity compiler and the next memory location which is 0x80 is from where we can store the stuffs we want. So 0x80 is our free location where we can store anything! Now where do we store this location? Yes! In 0x40 which is the place reserved to store the free memory location.

Now let's go to the next lines;

[05]    CALLVALUE   
[06]    DUP1    
[07]    ISZERO  
[08]    PUSH2   0010
[0b]    JUMPI   
[0c]    PUSH1   00
[0e]    DUP1    
[0f]    REVERT  

The call value opcode returns the amount sent with the transaction, currently our constructor is not marked as payable; meaning we can't send an amount when deploying the contract.

These lines are checking if we sent some amount to the contract when deploying it.

Now say we sent some amount when creating the contract so the CALLVALUE opcode returns this value and the ISZERO opcode returns 0; meaning some value is sent with the transaction. If there was no amount sent with the transaction then CALLVALUE returns 0 and ISZERO returns 1, saying no value was sent with the transaction.

PUSH2 0010; JUMPI , The JUMPI instruction jumps to the location 0010 if the value on top of the stack is 1(that is true), so now in our contract say we sent some value with the transaction and ISZERO set the top to 0(false) so this jump won't happen and the execution continues till the next lines.

[0c]    PUSH1   00
[0e]    DUP1    
[0f]    REVERT  

The contract reverts. This is what happens at the low-level if you sent sent some amount when the constructor is marked as non payable.

Now the scenario where we didn't send any amount when deploying the contract , which is exactly what we want since we didn't mark the contructor() as payable.

  • The JUMPI instruction jumps to 0010 where the next set of lines start.
[10]    JUMPDEST    
[11]    POP 
[12]    PUSH1   b6
[14]    DUP1    
[15]    PUSH2   001f
[18]    PUSH1   00
[1a]    CODECOPY    

These lines are the most important part and this where you can understand the difference between init and runtime code. You can get a practical overview of this if you head to evm.codes and run all these instructions by yourself.

  • So right now this entire code is the initialization code and from 001f is where the actual runtime code starts and b6 is the size of the runtime code.

The COPDECOPY opcode copies b6 amount of size from [1f] and returns it. And this whole includes our runtime code which is the code that runs when we interact with the contract.

From the word itself initialization code, it's obvious that it's run when deploying the contract from where the actual runtime code is being copied to evm.

You'll have a much more clear understanding of this when we do this on our own without the CODECOPY opcode.

If you head over to [1f]:

[1f]    PUSH1   80
[21]    PUSH1   40
[23]    MSTORE  
[24]    CALLVALUE   
[25]    DUP1    
[26]    ISZERO  
[27]    PUSH1   0f
[29]    JUMPI   
[2a]    PUSH1   00
[2c]    DUP1    
[2d]    REVERT  
[2e]    JUMPDEST    
[2f]    POP 
[30]    PUSH1   04
[32]    CALLDATASIZE    
[33]    LT  
[34]    PUSH1   28
[36]    JUMPI   
[37]    PUSH1   00
[39]    CALLDATALOAD    

This looks similar to the one when we deployed the contract right? Yes!

This is the code that runs on the blockchain when you make any kind of interaction with this smart contract , meaning anything like if you want call a function or just read something with a function this is the code that executes.

  • But how does the contract know which function we called ?, yes the CALLDATALOAD opcode gives us the output , as per the abi encoding specification the function name and parameters are encoded using Keccak hash and sent with the transaction as calldata.
  • So I think now you can see where this is going right? We check the desired function using calldataload and jumps to that particular location.
  • If we call the add() function meaning we sent a transaction to this contract with calldata as '4f2be91f' , the evm checks the output of calldataload and jumps to the location of the add function and from where which the addition operation takes place.
  • If we had another function say sub() the evm jumps us to the location of the sub() function.

Now let's do all of this by our own.

Let's create a simple contract that add two numbers but guess what we're going to build this one by our hand; Yes! by writing pure raw opcodes.

  • First let's write the code that actually runs on the blockchain when you interact with it aka runtime code.
PUSH1   04
PUSH1   03
PUSH1   00
PUSH1   20
PUSH1   00
  • We're pushing 4 and 3 to the stack and the add opcode adds these two numbers and stores it in the stack, so 7 is now on top of the stack.

  • The MSTORE opcode copies 7 to the memory location 0 , which is the first memory location.

  • The return opcodes returns 0x20 bytes from the offset 0 , meaning it gives us 32 bytes from the 0 offset that is we get 0...7 as the return value.

So if we make any kinds of transaction to this contract , like absolutely anything it returns 7.

If we call random(), meow(), cat() or anything it just returns 7.

But how do we deploy this contract to the blockchain, can we do this directly? Nope.

Whenever we deploy our code to the blockchain who is the one that is responsible for copying this code to the evm's memory?

Say the contract had a constructor that accepts and changes the value of certain variables when deploying the contract, how does this work? An NFT is given different names when the constructor is called by different users.

So we need something does all of these for us. Yes! The initialization code is responsible for this.

PUSH13  600460030160005260206000f3
PUSH1   00
PUSH1   0d
PUSH1   13

This is our initialization code for this contract.

Our add contract in opcodes when converted to bytecode is 600460030160005260206000f3, which is 13 bytes long.

  • All this does is stores our runtime code in memory location 0 and returns this value. Which is exactly what the evm wants.
  • This init code just runs first time when you deploy the contract, all it does is just copies the runtime code which is the actual code of the contract to the evm's memory. The same thing happens with the codecopy opcode.

When converted to bytecode it looks like this 0x6c600460030160005260206000f3600052600d6013f3 Now you can see why the init code is long compared to the runtime code, because the init code includes the runtime code also. Check an example contract in etherscan and you'll see.

Now let's deploy our contract!

cast send  --private-key $PKEY --rpc-url $RPCK --create 0x6c600460030160005260206000f3600052600d6013f3

Now I'm going to deploy this contract to sepolia network.


Check the code section and click opcodes view and you can see the runtime code!

Now let's interact with it.

cast call --rpc-url $RPCK 0xd10422428c9C162b403E59d223D74A2C88fe0083 "IDontExistFunction()"

What do you think is going to be returned? Yes! 7!



When talking about CREATE2 the initCode or rather the deployment Code being referred to is the creationCode combined together with the values of the constructor parameters.

initCode = abi.encodePacked(type(MyContract).creationCode, abi.encode(...argsOfConstructor));

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