while following this or this solution I found nowhere any file to make change for
allowUnlimitedContractSize = true
so my problem is same as in link but how I can change this in Ganache v 2.1.0
1 Answer
I removed the Ganache UI as in this very limited custom commands in settings, and installed Ganache-cli and use ganache-cli --allowUnlimitedContractSize --gasLimit 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF
command to start Ganache , and my problem of "out of gas" solved
when you start Ganache. The documentation for that is here. Please note that it actually recommends NOT to use it, since your testing env will subsequently behave different from production (hence the primary purpose of your testing will not be fulfilled).Windows: %APPDATA%\Ganache\Settings
so where I can change the contract size limit ?, and I tested the same contract on remix and deployed successfully, tried all possibilities of gas and gas limit change, no success, then in above link I came to know that it is due to the limit of contract size