I am writing DApp in react, and basically I want to initialize web3, unlock account, and display it. Having web3 in my package.json In the onload I've tried to go following:

let Web3 = require('web3');
let instance = new Web3(window.web3.currentProvider);

First of all, I am completely missing the point of such a step. What do we do here? What is the difference between window.web3 and instance now?

Second, what line should I use and why?

console.log(window.web3.eth.accounts[0]); // this?
console.log(instance.eth.accounts[0]); // or that?

I want to figure out browser-agnostic scheme, that would work on Metamask, Opera, and on mobile browsers like Cipher. I've tried a bunch of schemes, on some platforms I'm missing web3.eth.accounts[0], but accounts can be availble via web3.eth.getAccounts()

I've looked at following, but still can't generalize:

I run into a problem that it's neither straightforward, nor documented process. To face such a problem, lets create a place with answer, detailing basics of init and unlock procedure, that should work in any browser, for any web3.

  • As far as i understand, window.web3 represents a very different internal implementation of web3, whatever it is on a target browsing platform. and instantiation of new Web3(provider) creates a client of some fixed version, that connects to the browser's web3 and works through it, but provides some consistent interface. Is that corect guess?
    – sleo
    Commented Jul 10, 2019 at 14:26


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