I have 2 nodes running on private network under the same network id connecting through
sudo geth --identity "testpython manage.py runserver" --networkid 1100 --mine --nodiscover --rpc --rpcport 8544 --rpccorsdomain "*" --rpcapi "eth,web3" --port 30304 --ipcpath ~/.ethereum/geth.ipc --genesis /home/user/genesis.json --datadir /home/user/genesis console privatenet 2>/home/user/genesis/log_output5
In one node and in other with different ports. It has same genesis.json and connected to the same network. When i connect via,
It will show the connection in admin.peers
and in few seconds it will go off in both the nodes. it keep connecting and disconnecting between the nodes. and in admin.peers
remoteAddress port is coming as 59823
though I have given 30305
localAddress: "",
remoteAddress: ""
I felt this is causing me not to do node to node ether transaction
. once node to node transaction has happened. after that i couldnot.
I read in other links that static-nodes.json / trusted-nodes.json may help in having stable connection. please help me
- How to have stable connection
- If we use static-nodes.json / trusted-nodes.json , how to use and which one to use. syntax please
- How to do transactions in one node and mining from another node?