Im creating my dapp with following below tutorial.
however Im facing an error when I run
truffle console
it shows
>truffle console
Could not connect to your Ethereum client with the following parameters:
- host >
- port > 7545
- network_id > *
Please check that your Ethereum client:
- is running
- is accepting RPC connections (i.e., "--rpc" option is used in geth)
- is accessible over the network
- is properly configured in your Truffle configuration file (truffle-config.js)
Truffle v5.0.17 (core: 5.0.16)
Node v10.15.3
I have tried
truffle init
but my command prompt got stacked after it showed
>truffle init
This directory is non-empty...
? Proceed anyway? Yes
- Preparing to download
can anyone please advise me what needed to be changed.
FYI the code inside truffle-config.js is
module.exports = {
networks: {
development: {
host: "",
port: 7545,
network_id: "*" // Match any network id
Thank you
port: 7545
, but instead it is statingport: 7574
. So I'm guessing that one of these two is not exactly what you say it is.port: 7545