I am trying to call a getter function to return me a string but after hours of debugging I am not able to solve the problem. I have tested the contract in remix and it does work, I have tested returning an uint works but for returning a string I keep getting the error in the title.
Here is the contract function:
pragma solidity ^0.5.1;
contract FreeSpeech{
address owner;
struct Message{
string Message;
int Vote;
uint timeSubmit;
bool isImportant;
uint senderId;
mapping(address=>uint) public addressId;
mapping(address=> uint) addressMessageCount;
modifier onlyOwner(){
require(msg.sender == owner);
Message[] messageArr;
constructor() public{
owner = msg.sender;
function addMessage(string memory _message/*, bool _MessageImportant*/) public {
if(addressId[msg.sender] == 0){
addressId[msg.sender] = uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender)));
messageArr.push(Message(_message,0, now, true/*_MessageImportant*/, addressId[msg.sender]));
function getMessageCount() public view returns(uint){
return addressMessageCount[msg.sender];
function getAddressId() public view returns(uint){
return addressId[msg.sender];
function getMessageString() public view returns(string memory){
return (messageArr[1].Message);
function upvoteMessage(uint _messageId) public {
messageArr[_messageId].Vote += 1;
function downvoteMessage(uint _messageId) public {
messageArr[_messageId].Vote -= 1;
function getMyMessageUpvoted() public view returns(string memory){
int largest = 0;
uint idLargest = 0;
for(uint i = 0; i<addressMessageCount[msg.sender]; i++){
if(messageArr[i].Vote > largest){
largest = messageArr[i].Vote;
idLargest = i;
return messageArr[idLargest].Message;
And here is the web3 code:
function testString() { contractInstance.getMessageString.call().then(console.log) }
The thing that I don't get is that if I try to return a string it gives me the error specified in the title but if I return a uint it doesn't give me any problem and the console.log works fine.
Foe example if I try to call the the function getMessagesCount()
it does return me the correct values because it returns a uint.
The contract is deployed at: 0xA8c44C88Db7b0E34d7a2fC0A1718dfA00CBcbE3C in the ROPSTEN network.
at least twice before callinggetMessageString