I have created a "get_all" function that reads all variables in Solidity and a "set_all" function that writes all variables.
And I did a test in remix, 1, "0", 123123, "hash", "map", "eul" I gave this type of input to set_all and the value was normal.
contract.transact({"from": walletaddr}).set_all({1, "0", 123123,"hash", "gap", "eul"})
I've implemented this code.
Such an error occurs.
Could not identify the intended function with name
, positional argument(s) of type(<class 'set'>,)
and keyword argument(s) of type{}
. Found 1 function(s) with the nameset_all
: ['set_all(uint256,string,uint256,string,string,string)'] Function invocation failed due to improper number of arguments.
Maybe I'm not good at formatting in multi factors. Is there a way to solve this?
-----this is my python code
from web3 import Web3, HTTPProvider
import json
rpc_url = "https://ropsten.infura.io/v3/e8d944bb989245b"
w3 = Web3(HTTPProvider(rpc_url))
with open("abi.json") as f:
info_json = json.load(f)
abi = info_json
contract = w3.eth.contract(address='0x5644cd8cED82c6d292b09204e512', abi=abi)
contract.transact({"from": "0xD10c154eCE5256422Dea1"}).set_all({1, "0", 123123, "hash", "gap", "eul"})
------ this is my solidity code
pragma solidity ^0.4.2;
contract blockpaper {
string ContractType;
uint256 TimeStamp;
uint256 PaperId;
string GapSign;
string EulSign;
string FileHash;
function set_all(uint256 newPaperId, string newContractType, uint256 newTimeStamp, string newFileHash, string newGapSign, string newEulSign) public returns(uint256, string, uint256, string, string, string) {
PaperId = newPaperId;
ContractType = newContractType;
TimeStamp = newTimeStamp;
FileHash = newFileHash;
GapSign = newGapSign;
EulSign = newEulSign;
return (PaperId, ContractType, TimeStamp, FileHash, GapSign, EulSign);