I am trying to call a function in another contract, that is protected with an openzepellin Role library.

I am calling availableFunction on the javascript side, which in turn calls protectedFunction. Even though I pass the adminRole address to the constructor of contract B, and then call availableFunction with adminRole, the function reverts.

In A.sol

contract interfaceB {
  function protectedFunc() public;

contract A {
  B b;

  constructor(address _B) {
    b = new interfaceB(_B);

  function availableFunction() {

In B.sol

contract B {
  using Roles for Roles.Role;
  Roles.Role private adminRole;

  constructor(address _adminRole) public {

  function protectedFunc() public {
    require(adminRole.has(msg.sender), "DOES_NOT_HAVE_ADMIN_ROLE");


In A.test.js

const A = artifacts.require("A");
const B = artifacts.require("B");

contract("A", function ([_, adminRole]) {
  beforeEach(async function () {
    b = B.new(adminRole);
    a = A.new(b.address);

  describe("availableFunc", function () {
    it("should pass!", async function () {
      a.availableFunc({from: adminRole)}); // REVERTS!

Error: Returned error: VM Exception while processing transaction: revert DOES_NOT_HAVE_ADMIN_ROLE

1 Answer 1


I'm pretty sure your test calling b.protectedFunc(..) passes and if you call a.availableFunction() it will fail. When protectedFunc is called from A then msg.sender will be the address of A.

To make it work you have to use A address in the admin role.

const A = artifacts.require("A");
const B = artifacts.require("B");

contract("A", function ([_, adminRole]) {
  beforeEach(async function () {
    a = await A.new();
    b = await B.new(a.address);
  describe("protectedFunc", function () {
    it("should pass!", async function () {
      a.availableFunction({from: adminRole)});
  • Thank you, that looks about right. I've changed my answer please, as there is an extra layer of complication that I missed - namely the constructor of contract A needs B.address! Is there any solution in this case please? Commented Feb 1, 2019 at 7:59
  • 1
    You have a circular dependency A needs B address and B needs A address. You have to split creation in two steps for example 1) contract creation, 2) initialize admin rol.
    – Ismael
    Commented Feb 1, 2019 at 17:24

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