There are two problems with Truffle compilation output (JSON files), which make it difficult to keep them under version-control:
- The
field indicates the compilation time of the source file
- The
field encodes the absolute path of the source file
Due to problem #1, compiling the same input will always yield a different output.
Due to problem #2, compiling the same input on different machines may yield a different output.
Here is a method for working around these problems.
In file package.json
, add:
"scripts": {
"install": "node fix-truffle.js"
Next to file package.json
, add file fix-truffle.js
const fs = require("fs");
const FILE_NAME = "./node_modules/truffle/build/cli.bundled.js";
const OLD_STR = "display_path = \".\" + path.sep + path.relative(options.working_directory, import_path);";
const NEW_STR = "if (options.fix_paths) {display_path = \".\" + path.sep + path.relative(options.working_directory, import_path); result[display_path] = result[import_path]; delete result[import_path];}";
console.log("Fixing " + FILE_NAME);
const data = fs.readFileSync(FILE_NAME, {encoding: "utf8"});
fs.writeFileSync(FILE_NAME, data.split(OLD_STR).join(NEW_STR), {encoding: "utf8"});
Now, if you compile your contracts via truffle compile --all --fix_paths
, then identical input will always yield identical bytecode
output, regardless of the machine (or the file-system) where you execute this.
However, we still have the updatedAt
For this, you can add your own script for removing this field from the JSON file.
Alternatively, you can add a script which extracts the abi
and bytecode
fields from the JSON file, because this is all you really need operational-wise:
const fs = require("fs");
const INPUT_DIR = "your json files directory";
const OUTPUT_DIR = "your abi/bin files directory";
for (let fileName of fs.readdirSync(INPUT_DIR)) {
const data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(INPUT_DIR + fileName, {encoding: "utf8"}));
fs.writeFileSync(OUTPUT_DIR + fileName.replace(".json", ".abi"), JSON.stringify(data.abi) , {encoding: "utf8"});
fs.writeFileSync(OUTPUT_DIR + fileName.replace(".json", ".bin"), data.bytecode.substring(2), {encoding: "utf8"});
Note that this gives you the same type of output (bin and abi files) as running solc
There is nevertheless one good excuse to insist on doing it with truffle
. Since you run your tests with truffle
, you want to be 100% certain that what you've tested is what you will eventually deploy. This is not guaranteed if you test with truffle
but then compile with solc