I'm implementing an ERC721 contract and I want to execute the following logic.

This is what I want: If the user pass to a method an address, return that address, if not, return the user's address.

I have been playing in Remix and I have this method:

 function showsender(address passsedAdd) public view returns(address) {
     address addToReturn;

     if(passsedAdd==address(0)) {
        addToReturn = msg.sender;
     else {
         addToReturn = passsedAdd;

     return addToReturn;

However, I could not make it work as I want since it looks like in Solidity arguments are NOT optional.

So, running testS... If I pass the arg, example:

  await this.contract.showsender(

Works, but if I try that, in case the user is not explicitly passing an argument, it doesn´t: this.contract.showsender();

I'm totally new to Solidity. Can anyone help?

  • "it doesn't work" isn't a good description of a problem. If you can tell us what you tried, what happened, and what you expected to happen instead, we can help. But the code does exactly what it says it does.
    – user19510
    Commented Jan 2, 2019 at 19:57
  • The latter (this.contract.showsender()) is invalid, even if it's allowed. The function takes a parameter, and you haven't passed one. Try this.contract.showsender("0x000000...").
    – user19510
    Commented Jan 2, 2019 at 23:44
  • As has been mentioned a few times, you can't have optional parameters. But the solution to your problem may best be left outside Solidity, and dealt with on the front-end. It may be simpler (and cheaper for users!) if you do this logic all on the front-end and then just pass the appropriate address to your contract function. I don't know the specifics of what you're trying to implement but it's always a good idea to ask "does this logic need to be done on-chain?" Commented Jan 3, 2019 at 0:00

4 Answers 4


You can define a function without address:

function showSender() public view returns (address)


 function showSender(address passedAddress) public view returns (address)

They can be at the same time in the same contract without problems or interference. Like this:

contract MyContract {

function showSender() public view returns (address)

 function showSender(address passedAddress) public view returns (address)


When your user is calling MyContract.showSender without arguments he hits the first, with address passed he hits the second.

Remain to understand how to generate such calls with/without address passed, but this is another story... 😉


As Shane said, function parameters aren't optional although there is overloading you might consider if the following doesn't suit your use-case.

You could do it like this:

function showSender(address passedAddr) public view returns(address) {
  if(passedAddr == address(0) return msg.sender;
  return passedAddr;

Hope it helps.


if user don't passed any address while calling your solidity function, web3/ether js/py will give Error: invalid address. there is no optional parameters in solidity. means user have to pass it.


Solidity does not have optional parameters, so the user would have to explicitly pass in 0x00... to trigger addToReturn = msg.sender;. I am not sure this is what you were thinking.

You code should work, but can be optimized. Try the following:

 function showsender(address passsedAdd) public view returns(address) {

     if(passsedAdd==msg.sender) {
        return msg.sender

     return passsedAdd;

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