i'm building a sample application which require voting. I think it needs to be split into 2 contracts where the owner of Ballot will create Proposal contracts. Splitting simply because the logic is got too complex to be clearly understandable in a single contract.

Question: what is the proper way to let only the contributors from Ballot contract vote for proposals.

My implementation - simply a call to Bellot to check if the address is in contributors. I've read that there are a lot of security flaws in interacting between 2 contracts(since i'm new to solidity might not know all details), so i want to verify if this is correct solution.


contract Ballot {
    address public manager;
    mapping (address => bool) public contributors;

    Proposal[] proposals;
    mapping(address => Proposal[]) proposalsByAddress;

    constructor(address _creator) public {
        manager = _creator;

    function createProposal() public {
        Proposal memory newProposal = new Proposal();

        //to be able to returl all porposals later

    function checkIfContributor(uint address _address) public view returns (bool) {

        if (contributors[_address]) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;


contract Proposal {
        Ballot ballot;
        bool complete;
        uint approveCount;
        uint rejectCount;
        mapping (address => bool) voters;

        constructor() {
            ballot = new Ballot(msg.sender);

        function vote(bool _vote) {

            voters[msg.sender] = true;
            if (_vote) {
            } else {


1 Answer 1


You have some of it but I see circular logic.

You have a Ballot contract that creates new Proposals and when a new Proposal instantiates, it creates a new Ballot contract. So, what's going on?

As I understand it, there should be one Ballot contract and many Proposal contracts. The proposal contracts need an interface to the Ballot contract that deployed them.


ballot = new Ballot(msg.sender);


ballot = Ballot(msg.sender);

That will assign ballet to the Ballot contract at the address of msg.sender, which should be a Ballot.

As a matter of style, I would change this line:

if (contributors[_address]) {
    return true;
} else {
    return false;


return contributors[_address];

Since this is a read-only function I'd even consider passing in address proposal instead of relying on msg.sender so anyone can check anything.


function isVoter(address proposal, address voter) public view returns(bool canIndeed) {
  require(proposalsByAddress[proposal]); // not a proposal (not ours), invalid request
  return contributors[voter]; // is a contributor overall

Hope it helps.

  • Thanks! yeah it all sounds right. just forget that new will actually make a contract instead of initializing an interface. However, generally - is this the way this kind of relationship checks are done? Commented Dec 25, 2018 at 22:14
  • 1
    There is more than one way to approach it. Your hub and spoke approach is reasonable and you’re catching the important checks. Commented Dec 26, 2018 at 3:42

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