I have a use-case like there is an admin who creates application and invites several user to use that application. Now, i need to audit trail over the activities done by the user.
Users no need to maintain Blockchain(BC) , but admin will.. In general admin can get the transaction hash, timestamp and other block related metadata details but not the RAW data ( like what activity is been done, what changes have been made on specific work etc).
My understanding -- The person who creates a data will be the one who can read the data in any BC. The data will be updated to ledger being encrypted using specific persons PUBLIC and PRIVATE key.. so admin who is just like a regulator can only provide application ,the account is created for the user specifically and all txn data done by user is encrypted using keys. is my understanding correct ?
How do i go with Audit trailing being an admin , for users activities wherein i need info not just about timestamp and hash but also few extra RAW data ?
Is there a way i can expose only know data or few data to admin so that he can view it in audit trail ?
can EVENT data in BC be seen by every participants in network ? will this be useful in my case ?