I got the "Gas estimation errored with the following message (see below). The transaction execution will likely fail. Do you want to force sending? Internal JSON-RPC error." in remix while using the drawWinner function
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
contract RecurringLottery {
struct Round {
uint deployBlock;
uint endBlock;
uint drawBlock;
Entry[] entries;
uint totalQuantity;
address winner;
struct Entry {
address buyer;
uint quantity;
uint constant public TICKET_PRICE = 1e15;
mapping(uint => Round) public rounds;
uint public round;
uint public duration;
mapping (address => uint) public balances;
// duration is in blocks. 1 day = ~5500 blocks
function RecurringLottery (uint _duration) public {
round = 1;
duration = _duration;
rounds[round].deployBlock = block.number;
rounds[round].endBlock = block.number + duration;
rounds[round].drawBlock = block.number + duration + 5;
function buy () payable public {
require(msg.value % TICKET_PRICE == 0);
if (block.number > rounds[round].endBlock) {
round += 1;
rounds[round].deployBlock = block.number;
rounds[round].endBlock = block.number + duration;
rounds[round].drawBlock = block.number + duration + 5;
uint quantity = msg.value / TICKET_PRICE;
Entry memory entry = Entry(msg.sender, quantity);
rounds[round].totalQuantity += quantity;
function drawWinner (uint roundNumber) public {
Round storage drawing = rounds[roundNumber];
require(drawing.winner == address(0));
require(block.number > drawing.drawBlock);
require(drawing.entries.length > 0);
// pick winner
bytes32 rand = keccak256(
uint counter = uint(rand) % drawing.totalQuantity;
for (uint i=0; i < drawing.entries.length; i++) {
uint quantity = drawing.entries[i].quantity;
if (quantity > counter) {
drawing.winner = drawing.entries[i].buyer;
counter -= quantity;
balances[drawing.winner] += TICKET_PRICE * drawing.totalQuantity;
function withdraw () public {
uint amount = balances[msg.sender];
balances[msg.sender] = 0;
function deleteRound (uint _round) public {
require(block.number > rounds[_round].drawBlock + 100);
require(rounds[_round].winner != address(0));
delete rounds[_round];
function () payable public {