This question may be really dumb, but I fail to understand how to do this.

I have deployed a smart contract to MainNet, and so far I've been interacting with it via Web3JS and Truffle (via the truffle console), using promises. For example:

ContractOne.deployed().then(function(i) {return i.doSomething({from: "ADDRESS"})})

But now, I deployed the contract via Geth/Infura, and truffle console is not working. What is the best way to interact with the deployed contract?

  • 1
    I reccomend using metamask + remix to interact with the contract, just remember the contract address.
    – GrandFleet
    Commented Nov 4, 2018 at 16:35
  • Thanks! Worked. Write this as an answer, I will accept.
    – Ruham
    Commented Nov 4, 2018 at 17:58

1 Answer 1


I recommend using metamask + remix to interact with the contract, just remember the contract address.

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