What's the best way to know the block number associated with the result of an eth_call? Assume I have several nodes that i'm running and i'm making calls to all of them (for redundancy). My goal is to get the latest result of an eth_call and maximize the likelyhood that it's accurate.
Option 1.) I can make a call for eth_blockNumber with the 'latest' parameter and then a separate call for my eth_call also with the 'latest' parameter, but there I have no guarantee that the block number didn't change by the time the eth_call was made.
payload = {
"id": randint(0, 99999999999999),
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_call",
"params": [
"data": <DataGoesHere>,
"to": <ContractAddressGoeshere>
Option 2.) Or I can specify the specific block number in my eth_call but that seems a little silly because i'm having to guess what the latest block number is. Silly because a node can be a few blocks behind and can catch up at any moment. I can get the current block number and then also in parallel make calls for current + 1 and current + 2 just incase another block or two got quickly mined in.
payload = {
"id": randint(0, 99999999999999),
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_call",
"params": [
"data": <DataGoesHere>,
"to": <ContractAddressGoeshere>
I could also (just to be careful) make a call for currentBlockNumber_hex + 1
payload = {
"id": randint(0, 99999999999999),
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_call",
"params": [
"data": <DataGoesHere>,
"to": <ContractAddressGoeshere>
currentBlockNumber_hex + 1
And while i'm at it, may as well do currentBlockNumber_hex + 2
payload = {
"id": randint(0, 99999999999999),
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_call",
"params": [
"data": <DataGoesHere>,
"to": <ContractAddressGoeshere>
currentBlockNumber_hex + 2
But this seems silly. Is there a better way? I have a lot of nodes for redundancy purposes. And I've noticed that they aren't always perfectly agreeing on the latest data. One or two may get a few blocks behind for various reasons.
For example, I may make an eth_call to all 3 nodes and here are the results:
'node1': {
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'result': '0x14ef054e8f9ef79',
'id': 38577622847874
'node2': {
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'result': '0x14ef054e8f9ef79',
'id': 38577622847874
'node3': {
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'result': '0x14ef054e8f9ef79',
'id': 50123622847874
And here are the latest block numbers:
node1: 6262258
node2: 6262257
node3: 6262259
Notice that Node 3 is ahead and just so happened to have the latest value, while nodes 1 and 2 are behind and don't yet have the latest state.
If I go with Option 1.) from above, I have no way of knowing if node3's result of 0x14ef054e8f9ef79 is actually from block 6262259 because it was called separately with the 'latest' parameter.
if I go with Option 2.) from above i'm having to make an insane amount of calls just to verify that this is the latest value. I'll be making 9 calls. Node1 on block 6262258, Node1 on block (6262258 + 1), Node1 on block (6262258 + 2). Then Node2 on block 6262257, Node2 on block (6262257 + 1), Node2 on block (6262257 + 2). Then Node3 on block 6262259, Node3 on block (6262259 + 1), Node3 on block (6262259 + 2). So that's 9 calls just to get one value. Granted it's going to increase the likely hood that I have the absolute latest value (compared to Option 1.) so it may be worth it.
Edit: I'm thinking it makes sense to make a websocket connection to each node to listen for a new block number. Then go with that block number for option 2 and not bothering with the +1, +2 future block thingy since it will result it lots of extra calls.