It seems pointless to me. I looked at the actual implementation. Kademila is used to discover peers, but there is no gained benefits. As when the node connects to peers, it simply just grab from the peers group. Kademila has no benefit? Correct me if im wrong
1 Answer
@user2584960: I agree and am confused as to the point Kademlia being used in Ethereum. If you aren't querying for content then what are you querying?
I believe Ethereum's use of Kademlia is like looking up a phone number in a phonebook and using the phone number as the query key. Alternatively, if you were to maintain metrics for each peer, then perhaps you could query each node's Kademlia table for nodes that satisfy the particular metrics you are interested in.
Ethereum's Kademlia implementation is only for peer discovery. Therefore, you aren't querying for content. Therefore, what the heck are you querying?
Kademlia contacts only O(log(n)) nodes during the search out of a total of n nodes in the system
. from my understanding, the "benefit", is the SPEED at which it can discover those peers.