I have never written a smart contract before because there is a lot attached to it getting it working. But I finally want to learn it now.

I want to write a simple mininmal working smart contract which prints out something or does something similar to saying "Hello World". Is that possible?

How would such a contract look like? How to deploy it, what tools do I need?


1 Answer 1


The Greeter tutorial covers a basic Hello World contract. https://ethereum.org/greeter

As a quick summary, I just tested the following steps on Ubuntu 14.04. The install-geth script should also detect and work on other environments.

Note: I had to run the installation script in the first step below twice as it failed the first time.

  • Install geth: bash <(curl -L https://install-geth.ethereum.org)
  • Launch geth in developer mode so that we do not need to fetch the entire blockchain and can mine our own test-ether: geth --dev console
  • Create a test account from geth console : personal.newAccount()
  • Check your account balance (should be 0): eth.getBalance(eth.accounts[0])
  • Start the miner and let it run: miner.start()
  • Attach to geth via a second terminal session: geth attach
  • Check that your account balance has increased: eth.getBalance(eth.accounts[0])
  • Go to the online solidity compiler/editor at https://chriseth.github.io/browser-solidity/. It defaults to a Greeter contract.
  • Copy and paste the greeter's Web3 deploy code to a text editor and replace /* var of type string here */ with "Hello World"
  • Copy and paste the updated code to geth and wait for the Contract mined!.. message
  • Test the contract with greeter.greet()
  • You can destroy the contract with greeter.kill.sendTransaction({from:eth.accounts[0]})
  • This was using Ubuntu/Linux. What about other OS? I want to try it on Windows. Can you cover for all OS, new learners will be benefited from it a lot. Commented Nov 13, 2017 at 14:47

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