I have a problem when I call the function selectWinner(), send some ether with it to pay for Oraclize. I am using Rinkeby with Infura and metamask for the test accounts. I get an error in the meta mask that says:
Transaction Error. Exception thrown in contract code.
And then the transaction fails.
pragma solidity ^0.4.23;
contract Lottery is usingOraclize {
uint lotteryFee = 0.1 ether;
uint8 counter = 0;
address[10] participants;
mapping (address => bool) checkParticipant;
address public owner;
bytes32 public oraclizeID;
uint public winnerNumber;
modifier onlyOnce() {
require(checkParticipant[msg.sender] == false);
function participate() external payable onlyOnce returns(address) {
require(msg.value == lotteryFee);
checkParticipant[msg.sender] = true;
counter = counter + 1;
participants[counter] = msg.sender;
function getBalance() public view returns (uint) {
uint contractBalance = address(this).balance;
function selectWinner() payable public {
oraclizeID = oraclize_query("WolframAlpha", "random number between 1 and 10");
function __callback(bytes32 _oraclizeID, string _result){
if(msg.sender != oraclize_cbAddress()) throw;
testString = _result;
winnerNumber = parseInt(_result);
uint maxRange = counter;
uint randomNumber = uint(sha3(_result)) % maxRange;
function payTheReward() external returns(address){
address winnerAddress = participants[winnerNumber];
uint currentBalance = getBalance();
return (winnerAddress);
function deleteParticipants() internal {
uint8 a = counter;
for(uint8 i = 0; i < a; i++) {
checkParticipant[participants[i]] = false;
participants[i] = 0;
counter = 0;
I am using Javascript to call it:
selectTheWinner: function(){
{ from: App.account,
value: App.web3.toWei(0.1, "ether")
).then(function(addr){ console.log(addr)})
.catch(function(error){ console.log(error); });
My contract number is: 0xFD05EE7F1660fcaDF5BB618cA5b09e6C564F99cF