The immutability stops at the blockchain. If you are calling foreign nodes which you don't control, or that you don't even know, then that is a huge design flaw in your application design. If you are pulling data from third-party nodes, then you have to trust that that third-party node won't tamper the data. Your options are to run your own node, or use a trusted third-party node provider. In the event that you can't trust your third party node provider, you will have to vet the data yourself.
More plausible attack:
There is some third-party service, whose fees are determined by your on-chain account balance of ethereum. You submit a request to process some data with the third party service, who then queries a non-trusted node for balance information about your ethereum account. The node pretends that your balance is higher than it is, subsequently causing the third party service to charge you a higher fee.
Obviously this "plausible attack" isn't a super well though out example, but I think it's suffice to demonstrate why you shouldn't rely on third-party nodes for state data about the blockchain.
Keep in mind signing transactions to submit to a third-party provider like MEW, or metamask, or infura isn't subject to this kind of attack, since you aren't relying on them to do anything other than relay your signed transaction.