Error: could not unlock signer account

Using web wallet to manage accounts in browser. But getting the above error when calling a function of a smart contract. This happen after updating the web provider with a different keystore.

Updating the Web3 Provider:

// Hack to provide backwards compatibility for Truffle, which uses web3js 0.20.x
Web3.providers.HttpProvider.prototype.sendAsync = 

var web3Provider = new HookedWeb3Provider({
   host: "https://mainnet.infura.io/[TOKEN]",
  transaction_signer: keystore

this.web3.setProvider(web3Provider); //Will overide MetaMask Injected Provider!

Calling some method:

  await deployedDApp.someFunction(
    param1, param2, param3, 0
    , { from: web_wallet_account, gas: 1000000 }

Note: I do not want to unlock the account on the node. I just want to use a keystore that is generated in the web using eth-lightwallet. However, web3._provider.transaction_signer is already set well and have the address of my web wallet account.

1 Answer 1


The Provider is needed to set at contract-level (for each contract). At initialization time, and every time, you update the Web3 provider. You need to update it for all contracts that you are using:

So, in case of updating the web provider as following example:

var web3Provider = new HookedWeb3Provider({
  host: "https://mainnet.infura.io/[Token]",
  transaction_signer: keystore


This then has to be repeated for every contract.


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