I deployed a smart contract with solidity along with a GUI by Javascript and HTML. This project works well on my computer.
Now I want to invoke functions of Smart Contract from Android phone.
Is there any possibility to do this? And if so, how to do?
Ans also do I need to write my smart contract with Java
? or Solidity
version is OK ?
My solidity smart contract code :
pragma solidity 0.4.23;
contract RFID {
struct StateStruct {
bytes32 description;
mapping(bytes32 => bytes32) sub_state;
struct ObjectStruct {
StateStruct state;
address owner;
bool isObject;
bytes32 review;
mapping(bytes32 => ObjectStruct) objectStructs;
bytes32[] public objectList;
event LogNewObject(address sender, bytes32 indexed id, bytes32 sub_states_types, bytes32 sub_states_values, address owner);
event LogChangeObjectState(address sender, bytes32 indexed id, bytes32 sub_states_types, bytes32 sub_states_values);
event LogChangeObjectOwner(address sender, bytes32 indexed id, address newOwner);
event LogNewObjectReview(address sender, bytes32 indexed _id, bytes32 _review, address _owner);
event LogChangeObjectStateReview(address sender, bytes32 indexed id, bytes32 _review);
function isObject(bytes32 _id) public view returns(bool isIndeed) {
return objectStructs[_id].isObject;
function getObjectCount() public view returns(uint count) {
return objectList.length;
/*function setArraySize(uint256 _number_of_sub_states) public {
number_of_sub_states = _number_of_sub_states;
function getArraySize() view public returns (uint256) {
return number_of_sub_states;
function newObject(bytes32 _id, uint256 number_of_sub_states, bytes32[10] sub_states_types, bytes32[10] sub_states_values, address _owner) public returns(bool success) {
uint256 counter=0;
for(counter; counter < number_of_sub_states; counter++) {
objectStructs[_id].state.sub_state[sub_states_types[counter]] = sub_states_values[counter];
emit LogNewObject(msg.sender, _id, bytes32(sub_states_types[counter]), bytes32(sub_states_values[counter]), _owner);
objectStructs[_id].owner = _owner;
objectStructs[_id].isObject = true;
return true;
function newObjectReview(bytes32 _id, bytes32 _review, address _owner) public returns(bool success) {
objectStructs[_id].owner = _owner;
objectStructs[_id].isObject = true;
objectStructs[_id].review = _review;
emit LogNewObjectReview(msg.sender, _id, _review, _owner);
return true;
function changeObjectState(bytes32 _id, uint256 number_of_sub_states, bytes32[10] sub_states_types, bytes32[10] sub_states_values) public returns(bool success) {
uint256 counter=0;
for(counter; counter < number_of_sub_states; counter++) {
objectStructs[_id].state.sub_state[sub_states_types[counter]] = sub_states_values[counter];
emit LogChangeObjectState(msg.sender, _id, bytes32(sub_states_types[counter]), bytes32(sub_states_values[counter]));
return true;
function changeObjectStateReview(bytes32 _id, bytes32 _review) public returns(bool success) {
objectStructs[_id].review = _review;
emit LogChangeObjectStateReview(msg.sender, _id, _review);
return true;
function changeObjectOwner(bytes32 _id, address _newOwner) public returns(bool success) {
objectStructs[_id].owner = _newOwner;
emit LogChangeObjectOwner(msg.sender, _id, _newOwner);
return true;
What I want to do is invoking functions of my contract by android phone.
Note : I did sign up for Infura
, however honestly I do not know how to use it on my android phone to invoke functions of this smart contract from my android phone ?