The answer is yes! you can use the ethereum-bridge over your locally private chain created by geth or parity,but only on dev-mode
After 3 days and a day morning and thanks to the help from @D-Nice @gskapka , I finally solved the problem.I need to put my thoughts together to help guys who may encounter the same problem.
- only support the dev
geth private network
I am sorry to say that the oraclize(ethereum-bridge) is only supported the dev
chain , which means you should start your private network using geth like
geth --networkid 15 --datadir ./data --rpc --rpcapi "admin,debug,eth,miner,net,personal,txpool,web3" --rpcport "8545" --rpccorsdomain "*" --dev
or simply, you can start you your private network using
geth --dev --rpc console
- if you deploy the contract using ethereum-bridge on
private network, you will get gas error like
gas required exceeds allowance or always failing transaction in private network
so, all the problem is caused by Non-dev
private network!
Good luck for you!