We created a solution for escrow functionality for ERC20 tokens.
The code we used is as follows.
pragma solidity ^0.4.21;
import "../zeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "../zeppelin-solidity/contracts/ownership/Ownable.sol";
import "../webshop/Webshop.sol";
contract Escrow is Ownable {
enum PaymentStatus { Pending, Completed, Refunded }
event PaymentCreation(uint indexed orderId, address indexed customer, uint value);
event PaymentCompletion(uint indexed orderId, address indexed customer, uint value, PaymentStatus status);
struct Payment {
address customer;
uint value;
PaymentStatus status;
bool refundApproved;
mapping(uint => Payment) public payments;
ERC20 public currency;
address public collectionAddress;
Webshop public webshop;
function Escrow(ERC20 _currency, address _collectionAddress) public {
currency = _currency;
collectionAddress = _collectionAddress;
webshop = Webshop(msg.sender);
function createPayment(uint _orderId, address _customer, uint _value) external onlyOwner {
payments[_orderId] = Payment(_customer, _value, PaymentStatus.Pending, false);
emit PaymentCreation(_orderId, _customer, _value);
function release(uint _orderId) external {
completePayment(_orderId, collectionAddress, PaymentStatus.Completed);
function refund(uint _orderId) external {
completePayment(_orderId, msg.sender, PaymentStatus.Refunded);
function approveRefund(uint _orderId) external {
require(msg.sender == collectionAddress);
Payment storage payment = payments[_orderId];
payment.refundApproved = true;
function completePayment(uint _orderId, address _receiver, PaymentStatus _status) private {
Payment storage payment = payments[_orderId];
require(payment.customer == msg.sender);
require(payment.status == PaymentStatus.Pending);
if (_status == PaymentStatus.Refunded) {
currency.transfer(_receiver, payment.value);
webshop.changeOrderStatus(_orderId, Webshop.OrderStatus.Completed);
payment.status = _status;
emit PaymentCompletion(_orderId, payment.customer, payment.value, _status);
The article, including the code can be found on https://medium.com/@s_van_laar/how-to-build-an-escrow-contract-with-an-ethereum-erc20-token-bfc4825b0dd7