I am new to Solidity. I am facing an issue in a simple operation of storing and retrieving data from mapping (uint=> address).
I have defined a simple contract:
contract test {
mapping (uint => address) public testmap;
function add_to_map (uint _key, address _val) public{
testmap[_key] = _val;
function get_from_map(uint _key) returns (address){
return testmap[_key];
In html, I am trying to do:
function createTestContract(){
var test = testContract.at("0xc383dfb5fc71ff1bb2bbadb812229681fb7a8e3c");
test.add_to_map(1, "0x12ca4a043753cd5537af99ad314a299962238ed2");
console.log('Key: 1' + ' address: ' + test.get_from_map(1));
As output I am expecting address - 0x12ca4a043753cd5537af99ad314a299962238ed2 which I am stored against key 1. However, it is returning some random address in the console log.
Key: 1 address: 0x07824f2f2a330dd2e260437af299800175dc2642a63c71a5f824cee54eae2264
I am using private chain on AlethZero. Appreciate if anyone can help.