How to create an Ethereum wallet (Keystore JSON file) in android using org.web3j:core:3.3.1-android
(web3j library). Please guide me to create one.
1 Answer
Using you can create JSON wallet file in your android external directory.
Android code to create a wallet JSON file in Downloads directory.
public class Wallet {
// Create new wallet
public String createWallet() throws Exception {
String path = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS).getPath();
String fileName = WalletUtils.generateLightNewWalletFile("password", new File(path));
return path + fileName;
/* Load the new wallet file once it is created
* Replace the File path with newly created wallet file path
public Credentials loadCredentials(String password) throws Exception {
Credentials credentials = WalletUtils.loadCredentials(
Log.i("Loading credentials", "Credentials loaded");
return credentials;
Check repo for creating a wallet, loading wallet, sending raw transaction, Deploy, write, query smart contract.