I'm trying to do a simple coin flip using WolframAlpha and Oraclize, this is my smart contract
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
import './usingOraclize.sol';
contract CoinFlipOracle is usingOraclize {
string public result;
bytes32 public oraclizeID;
event Log(string text);
function CoinFlipOracle() {
Log("Contract created");
function flipCoin() payable {
Log("Oraclize query was sent, waiting for response");
oraclizeID = oraclize_query("WolframAlpha", "flip a coin", 5000000);
function __callback(bytes32 _oraclizeID, string _result) {
require(msg.sender == oraclize_cbAddress());
result = _result;
function getResult() view returns(string) {
return result;
On my frontend, I deploy contract, then I call flipCoin()
, and finally I call getResult()
async flipCoin() {
let contractInstance = await CoinFlipContract.at(this.state.contractAddress);
await contractInstance.flipCoin();
let result = await contractInstance.getResult();
I'm trying to return either "heads" or "tails", but all it returns is the txhash plus some other info. Am I using Oraclize correctly?