I have a contract deployed with truffle to a testrpc local testnet. This contract has has a function that deploys a new contract.
This new contract I can check the address in the testrpc console similar to this:
Transaction: 0x85a7f17406536dd9618c6647d7d0595a2cee7e7e065ffc08a99e58aa5473ab71
Contract created: 0x1104c5adf4476aec333ee687c725eacc8d417a7c
Gas usage: 2642382
Block Number: 7
Block Time: Mon Feb 26 2018 19:27:25 GMT+0900 (JST)
But how can I use this new contract in the truffle console to interact with?
The json file of the contract (the ABI etc) was created in truffle's build
directory, but because the contract is not migrated I cannot use this command:
MyNewContract.deployed().then(_app => { app = _app })
Does anyone how, in the truffle console, I can interact with contracts deployed through other contracts?