I'm looking for a way to retrieve token decimals by programmatically. Let's take this Arcade (ARC) token. Token Decimals is 18
It seems etherscan does't provide API for this purpose. Is there a way to retrieve token decimals somehow?
I'm looking for a way to retrieve token decimals by programmatically. Let's take this Arcade (ARC) token. Token Decimals is 18
It seems etherscan does't provide API for this purpose. Is there a way to retrieve token decimals somehow?
I have checked the contract source code and it has a public variable decimals
. This means the contract has a public function with the same name which returns the value.
EDIT: It seems Etherscan does not provide an API to access the token info, however I found another free service called ethplorer which provides it through HTTP : https://github.com/EverexIO/Ethplorer/wiki/Ethplorer-API?from=etop#get-token-info