From the example here, I could split bytes32 to bytes16. But I am unable to use a similar approach to split bytes9 into three parts. Can someone help me understand what am I doing wrong?
function split2(bytes32 source) constant returns (bytes16, bytes16){
bytes16[2] memory y = [bytes16(0), 0];
assembly {
mstore(y, source)
mstore(add(y, 16), source)
return (y[0], y[1]);
//not working
function split3(bytes9 source) constant returns (bytes3, bytes3, bytes3){
bytes3[3] memory y = [bytes3(0), 0, 0];
assembly {
mstore(y, source)
mstore(add(y, 3), source)
mstore(add(y, 6), source)
return (y[0], y[1], y[2]);