Works perfectly. I do get the ["0x", 0] message if I call the functions get1()
and get2()
immediately after the I send the add(...)
transaction. But after waiting a while more, the get1()
and get2()
functions return the expected values.
Modification To Your Code
I've modified your code to add some functions to view the inserted data:
contract TwoStructs {
struct A {
address[] count;
struct B {
uint8[] count;
mapping (address => A) a;
mapping (address => B) b;
function add(address c, uint8 g) {
function get1(address sender) constant returns (address, uint8) {
return (a[sender].count[0], b[sender].count[0]);
function get2() constant returns (address, uint8) {
return (a[msg.sender].count[0], b[msg.sender].count[0]);
function getMsgSender() constant returns (address) {
return msg.sender;
Running geth
I'm running the Dev blockchain using the following parameters:
geth --datadir /home/user/DevData --dev --nodiscover \
--mine --minerthreads 1 --port 30301 --maxpeers 0 \
--verbosity 3 --rpc console
Flattened Your Code And Assigned To A Variable
You can use a service like Line Break Removal Tool to strip out your line breaks, or see How to load Solidity source file into geth for some alternatives.
I flattened your code, assigned it to a variable and pasted it into geth
> var twoStructsSource='contract TwoStructs { struct A { address[] count; } struct B { uint8[] count; } mapping (address => A) a; mapping (address => B) b; function add(address c, uint8 g) { a[msg.sender].count.push(c); b[msg.sender].count.push(g); } function get1(address sender) constant returns (address, uint8) { return (a[sender].count[0], b[sender].count[0]); } function get2() constant returns (address, uint8) { return (a[msg.sender].count[0], b[msg.sender].count[0]); } function getMsgSender() constant returns (address) { return msg.sender; }}'
Compiled Your Code
I compiled your code using the following command:
> var twoStructsCompiled = web3.eth.compile.solidity(twoStructsSource);
Inserted Your Code Into The Blockchain
I used the following commands to insert your code into the blockchain:
> var twoStructsContract = web3.eth.contract(;
> var twoStructs ={from:web3.eth.accounts[0], data: twoStructsCompiled.TwoStructs.code, gas: 1000000},
function(e, contract) {
if (!e) {
if (!contract.address) {
console.log("Contract transaction send: TransactionHash: " +
contract.transactionHash + " waiting to be mined...");
} else {
console.log("Contract mined! Address: " + contract.address);
And waited for the following message:
Contract mined! Address: 0xe924f5c2240bfb2a78d46a8ebfb2bc149cfeeff0
Sent Transaction To Add Data
I inserted some sample data into the blockchain using the following command:
> twoStructs.add(eth.accounts[0], 123, {
data: twoStructsCompiled.TwoStructs.code,
gas: 1000000
And waited for the transaction to be mined.
Check Data Inserted
If I immediately run twoStructs.get1(eth.accounts[0])
, I get the following results:
> twoStructs.get1(eth.accounts[0])
PC 00000104: JUMPI GAS: 49977033 COST: 10 ERROR: invalid jump destination (PUSH1) 2
["0x", 0]
If I want a few more seconds:
> twoStructs.get1(eth.accounts[0])
["0xa485ab3ad17cd9aca6fd5343a53a513685c7e0ed", 123]
> twoStructs.get2()
["0xa485ab3ad17cd9aca6fd5343a53a513685c7e0ed", 123]
> twoStructs.getMsgSender()
as expected. If you get the ["0x", 0]
, wait for some time then try again.