Im trying to write a python script that can generate a new wallet for that user, but I need to be able to keep the private key.
I followed this : Stack overflow answer
And got these results:
import os
from ethereum import utils
key = utils.sha3(os.urandom(4096))
print key
Out[5]: 'L\xf7\x98\x06\xb9\xbe>?
raw = utils.privtoaddr(key)
print raw
add = utils.checksum_encode(raw)
print add
Out[9]: '0x6e98563805A1059B18ca25B3edd0d5a949f89715'
So, I was able to get an address, but I'm not exactly sure what am I seeing here in the "key" and "raw" variables
Os is Ubuntu 16.4, running python 2.7.12
Note that this is a small personal project for learning, so I don't really mind any "security" issues
Edit: I was able to use this to create to do what I needed, I will leave this question open since Im still interested about my first way.