I'm using eth-lightwallet for personal purpose but I think I'm doing something wrong. When I create a new lightwallet keystore, I do this:
password: password,
seedPhrase: seed,
hdPathString: "m/0'/0'/0'"
}, function (err, ks) {
ks.keyFromPassword(password, function (err, pwDerivedKey) {
Inside the callback I use keyFromPassword method to return the appropriate pwDerivedKey.
The first time I run the code it worked great. I've always used "abc123" as password. After that I sent ethers to this address to have some balance.
The second time I run the same code, I used the same seed, but I did change the password to see what will happen. It was a "great surprise" to see that the transaction was sent and the balance of ethers have decreased. So... in this case, the password is required but isn't used? Or I didn't understand something...