I have a series of contracts that work perfectly fine on testrpc but not when I deploy to Rinkeby. I am using a standard token contract with Zeppelin that I am having no issues with.

The issue is with the registry contract. I have a BaseRegistry contract that is from https://regis.nu/. I can show it here but I think what's important is that my child contract is inheriting from the BaseContract. Here is the ChildRegistry:

pragma solidity ^0.4.11;

import "./BaseRegistry.sol";
import "../token/Token.sol";
import "../node/Node.sol";

contract ChildRegistry is BaseRegistry {

address public owner;
address public nodeDelegateAddress;
address[] public registeredNodes;

address public delegateContract;
address[] public previousDelegates;
uint256 public count;
address public tokenAddress;

  event DelegateChanged(address oldAddress, address newAddress);

  function ChildRegistry() {
    // constructor

  function changeDelegate(address _newDelegate) returns (bool) {
    /*assert(owner == msg.sender);*/

    if (_newDelegate != delegateContract) {
        var oldDelegate = delegateContract;
        delegateContract = _newDelegate;
        DelegateChanged(oldDelegate, _newDelegate);
        return true;
    return false;


  function registerNode() {

  function createNodeContract () {

  function getNodes() constant returns (address[]) {
    return registeredNodes;

  function setTokenAddress(address _tokenAddress) {
    delegateContract.delegatecall(bytes4(sha3("setTokenAddress(address)")), _tokenAddress);
  function setNodeDelegateAddress(address _nodeDelegateAddress) {
    delegateContract.delegatecall(bytes4(sha3("setNodeDelegateAddress(address)")), _nodeDelegateAddress);


The ChildRegistry is calling the delegate contract and updating its own state once it's set:

pragma solidity ^0.4.11;

import "./BaseRegistry.sol";
import "../token/Token.sol";
import "../node/Node.sol";

contract ChildRegistryDelegate is BaseRegistry {

address public owner;
address public nodeDelegateAddress;
address[] public registeredNodes;

address public delegateContract;
address[] public previousDelegates;
uint256 public count;
address public tokenAddress;

  function ChildRegistryDelegate() {
    // constructor

  function registerNode() {

    count += 1;

    Token existingToken = Token(tokenAddress);
    register(msg.sender, "string");      


  function createNodeContract () {

    Node newNode = new Node();

    /*newNode.call(bytes4(sha3("changeDelegate(address)")), nodeDelegateAddress);
    newNode.call(bytes4(sha3("setOwner(address)")), msg.sender);
    newNode.call(bytes4(sha3("changeDelegate(address)")), tokenAddress);*/


  function getNodes() constant returns (address[]) {
    return registeredNodes;

  function setTokenAddress(address _tokenAddress) {
    tokenAddress = _tokenAddress;

  function setNodeDelegateAddress(address _nodeDelegateAddress) {
    assert(owner == msg.sender);
    nodeDelegateAddress = _nodeDelegateAddress;


When I deploy the contracts I set the proper delegates manually. I know the delegatecall works because I can setTokenAddress and setNodeDelegateAddress perfectly fine. The issue is when I registerNode. On testrpc, it works fine. When I deploy to Rinkeby, nothing works. Nothing gets added to registeredNodes, register does not get called, and the token.burn does not work.

I added the count to see the the delegatecall would work then, and it does. The burn also works when I comment everything out and add tokenAddress.call(bytes4(sha3("burn(uint256,address)")),1,msg.sender);.

When I call createNodeContract, nothing works either. When I comment all the function calls and just try Node newNode = new Node(); and registeredNodes.push(newNode); nothing happens.

I'm not sure why this is happening. I have a feeling it has to do with the BaseRegistry contract and how it's inheriting. I also think it might be how I am deploying my contracts with truffle. Here is my 2_deploy_contracts.js:

var Token = artifacts.require('./Token.sol')
var ChildRegistry = artifacts.require('./ChildRegistry.sol')
var ChildRegistryDelegate = artifacts.require('./ChildRegistryDelegate.sol')
var NodeDelegate = artifacts.require('./NodeDelegate.sol')

module.exports = function(deployer) {

I also thought it may have to do with how I'm deploying them. I have no idea. Anything would be helpful. Thank you.

  • Did you check the transaction on Rinkeby? Is it reverting or not? Commented Nov 23, 2017 at 11:02
  • It's going through just fine, just nothing happens. Commented Nov 23, 2017 at 11:03

1 Answer 1


Figured it out. Geth console was not reading my truffle.js file for some reason. Looks like this:

rinkeby: {
  host: "localhost",
  port: 8545,
  network_id: "4",
  from: "0xfc7846d06fab273c62cda0d29eac0936a22eeca4",
  gas: 2000000

Still isn't reading it. Everything works, but the transactions were running out of gas and failing. Have to add the gas manually {from:sender, gas:2000000} in each transaction for them to work.

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