I've been trying to find a way to pass integer as string using a few of the function provided by the community but , while it works for " small " numbers it doesn't for larger ones.
Does anybody knows why and what is the limit here ?
contract Test {
function stringToUint(string s) constant returns (uint) {
bytes memory b = bytes(s);
uint result = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < b.length; i++) { // c = b[i] was not needed
if (b[i] >= 48 && b[i] <= 57) {
result = result * 10 + (uint(b[i]) - 48); // bytes and int are not compatible with the operator -.
return result; // this was missing
// parseInt
function parseInt(string _a) returns (uint) {
return parseInt(_a, 0);
// parseInt(parseFloat*10^_b)
function parseInt(string _a, uint _b) internal returns (uint) {
bytes memory bresult = bytes(_a);
uint mint = 0;
bool decimals = false;
for (uint i=0; i<bresult.length; i++){
if ((bresult[i] >= 48)&&(bresult[i] <= 57)){
if (decimals){
if (_b == 0) break;
else _b--;
mint *= 10;
mint += uint(bresult[i]) - 48;
} else if (bresult[i] == 46) decimals = true;
if (_b > 0) mint *= 10**_b;
return mint;
The first function stringToUint is from this SO ( How to convert string to int ) And the second one is from the OraclizeitAPI contract.
Both don't behave as i expect for this param :
Will return :
When i'm expecting