How does the cost of EVM memory scales?
I wonder how does the cost of EVM memory (not storage) scale?
Indeed, having read other QA's, the cost of memory is not a linear function, but should increase rapidly as more of it is allocated?
Having written the Floyd-Warshall algorithm in Solidity, which allocates an (n x n) matrix of uint's, I see that the gas consumption increases extremly fast. This is the case even for n = 24, where the gas usage is approximately 19085414.
pragma solidity ^0.4.11;
contract APSPBenchmark is usingOraclize {
event OraclizeEvent0(string desc);
event OraclizeEvent1(string desc, int[] apsp);
int constant INF = -1;
function APSPBenchmark() public payable {}
* Local all-pairs shortest path
function localAPSP(int[] w) public {
int[] memory apsp = allPairsShortestPath(w);
//OraclizeEvent1("local", apsp); // Infinity encoded as -1
* All-pairs shortest path
function allPairsShortestPath(int[] w) private constant returns(int[]) {
uint i; uint j; uint k;
uint n = babylonian(w.length);
int[] memory d = new int[](n * n);
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
d[i * n +j] = (w[i * n + j] >= 100 ? INF : w[i * n + j]);
d[i * n + i] = 0;
for (k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
if (d[i * n + k] == INF || d[k * n + j] == INF) continue;
else if (d[i * n + j] == INF) d[i * n + j] = d[i * n + k] + d[k * n + j];
else d[i * n + j] = min(d[i * n +j], d[i * n + k] + d[k * n + j]);
return d;
* Minimum of two values
function min(int a, int b) private constant returns(int) {
return a < b ? a : b;
* Babylonian sqrt
function babylonian(uint n) private constant returns(uint) {
uint x = n;
uint y = 1;
while (x > y) {
x = (x + y) / 2;
y = n / x;
return x;
with constant:int constant INF = -1;
One issue is that the code above is puttingINF
in storage. Every time you use it in the body reading it from storage costs 200 gas. Declaring itconstant
avoids this.INF
to constant will save you up to 600 gas in your inner loop (3 reads ofINF
). Your inner loop is n^3, so for n=24 this saves you up to 600 * 24^3 = 8.3 million gas. That should help.