I created a geth console with
geth --datadir /Users/test/data/privateEthereum --networkid 42 --nodiscover --rpc --rpcport "8042" --port "30303" --maxpeers 3 --nat=any --rpccorsdomain \"*\" --unlock "0,1" --password /Users/test/data/privateEthereum/password.txt console
and started the miner
When I started the bridge with
node bridge -H localhost:8042 -a 1
I get
Please wait...
[2017-11-03T17:22:51.822Z] INFO you are running ethereum-bridge - version: 0.5.5
[2017-11-03T17:22:51.823Z] INFO saving logs to: ./bridge.log
[2017-11-03T17:22:51.823Z] INFO using active mode
[2017-11-03T17:22:51.823Z] INFO Connecting to eth node http://localhost:8042
[2017-11-03T17:22:53.256Z] INFO connected to node type Geth/v1.7.2-stable-1db4ecdc/darwin-amd64/go1.9.2
[2017-11-03T17:22:53.885Z] WARN Using 0x974e5ce3d49bacb3d6d47b827e12972940fb764d to query contracts on your blockchain, make sure it is unlocked and do not use the same address to deploy your contracts
[2017-11-03T17:22:54.025Z] INFO deploying the oraclize connector contract...
[2017-11-03T17:23:04.410Z] INFO connector deployed to: 0x879db369b9b06260c59e7123f2d9dd650353a689
[2017-11-03T17:23:05.705Z] WARN deterministic OAR disabled/not available, please update your contract with the new custom address generated
[2017-11-03T17:23:05.706Z] INFO deploying the address resolver contract...
[2017-11-03T17:23:16.482Z] INFO address resolver (OAR) deployed to: 0xabd00b99c13644df9f0b5c2f91ea3f718615e075
[2017-11-03T17:23:16.482Z] INFO updating connector pricing...
[2017-11-03T17:23:26.730Z] INFO successfully deployed all contracts
[2017-11-03T17:23:26.735Z] INFO instance configuration file saved to /Users/test/code/blockchain/ethereum-bridge/config/instance/oracle_instance_20171103T102326.json
How do I correct this?
WARN deterministic OAR disabled/not available
There must be a mistake in my configuration. Any suggestions?
OAR = OraclizeAddrResolverI(0xabd00b99c13644df9f0b5c2f91ea3f718615e075);
as first line of your contract's constructor.