Does Ethereum block stores state, transactions and receipts external to the block (like in some external storage)? and the block just contains the hashes of State_root hash, Transaction_root hash, Receipt_root ?

It looks like the transactions and receipt themselves are not stored in the block. please correct if I am wrong

1 Answer 1


Does Ethereum block stores state, transactions and receipts external to the block (like in some external storage)? and the block just contains the hashes of State_root hash, Transaction_root hash, Receipt_root ?


  • The state (e.g. account/contract/etc.) data is stored in a trie external to the block. The hash of the trie's root is stored in the block header.
  • The transaction receipts are stored in a trie external to the block. The hash of the trie's root is stored in the block header.

The transactions themselves are slightly different. A list of transactions (I think in execution order) is stored in the main body of the block. However, a trie of the transactions is also maintained outside the block, and again the hash of the root of this trie is stored in the block header.

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