I have 2 Ether in my wallet contract:0x83ca83fF078f651E1B69CD70F43Ec11B4Aa0af2b
I created this contract from my main Ethereum (Mist) address: 0xB3C3e20312Ded30a651Ce746CdE0534dc0433604
I have been trying to withdraw from this contract with no success. I tried everything I could think of:
- I used MyEtherWallet
- I added another owner (my Jaxx address: 0x34106338b3ff3539dc2a183b7c49da67a7ac8ce6
- I removed this other owner
- I even tried to KILL the contract, both from Mist (Ethereum Wallet) and from MyEtherWallet, and from both addresses - nothing happens!
Can anybody help me? The history of my transaction to this contract are here.